Something peculiar happens when you watch a loved one die, especially a parent. You realize something HUGE. You are smacked right in the face with your own mortality. It’s really quite mind-boggling. All of a sudden you realize, oh wow this will be me someday. And after months of taking my dad to the U […]
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Fear Fighting: When You’ve Gotta Have Control #fearfightingbook
You guys! My dear friend Kelly Balarie is guest posting today and guess what?!? Her new book Fear Fighting came out today! If you struggle with fear at all, (don’t we all??) this book will change your life! Kathie Lee loved it so much she shared it on the Today Show as one of her […]
When Old Habits No Longer Fit the New You
I sat in my lazy-boy polishing off the rest of the cheese puffs. After I was finished I stared down at the empty bag and had an epiphany: “This isn’t you anymore.” This old habit of eating myself into pure misery was not the person I had become. Food is my drug and a weakness […]
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