About Me

Hey Friend, welcome!

Since I’m not one for small talk, let’s just get right to it.

For sixteen years I have been chasing down the carpenter from Nazareth and asking Him two questions:

“How can I know you more?” and “How do I get well?” And that’s what I talk about on here. Knowing Jesus, becoming whole, and sharing our not so put together selves with each other because that’s truly what sets us free.

I am a wife to my amazing husband Chad, mother to two handsome boys, Brendon and Tyler, and we have a black lab named Zoey who has ADD like the rest of us. 😉

I lead a women, teen, and couples bible study weekly. I’ve written custom created poetry for sixteen years, written for other publications like Incourage., For Every Mom, God Sized Dreams, and am a regular contributor for Internet Cafe Devotions and Blessed Transgressions. I was also scared out. of. my. ever. loving. mind (yet, ecstatic) to be on the radio last year to share my struggle with depression and anxiety and how there is hope in Christ.

So, come and gather at the table my friend I’m so thrilled you’re here!

Let’s seek out Jesus and wholeness together.


*Don’t forget to subscribe to receive my FREE download, 3 Ways to Grab God’s Attention and Transform Your Life!  Just enter your email below.



7 comments on “About Me

  1. Today’s tip was spot on for me! I sat here crying knowing this was me! But it’s as if Jesus spoke to me and said “my child I love you, keep trying”. Thanks Holly!

    • Kymber- I am so blessed you came by and shared your heart. Girlfriend that is exactly what Christ says to us! He knows we are going to fall and stumble, and He’s going to cheer us on the whole time! Keep going girl! xo

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