Today my mind traveled back two thousand years ago and I am standing in front of the cross.
I’m trying to comprehend the magnitude of this day and I cannot wrap my brain around it. I long to be brave and stare at my Lord’s suffering in the face, needing to feel, smell, and touch the gift He gave to me.
I am a coward though, because I cannot keep watching.
It’s too much to bear even in just my mind. I’m disgusted at myself for covering my eyes and wanting to run away.
As I’m standing there I hear wailing. I see Mary, Christ’s mother and John His beloved disciple.
I don’t just hear their grief, I feel it in my bones.
As I look at John it breaks something so tender and fragile inside of me. But it’s Mary’s cries which don’t even sound human, which unravel me.
She is on the ground weeping not just over the loss of a son, but the loss of her precious Savior.
I crane my neck looking all around for the other disciples. They’re nowhere in sight.
For three years they walked with Him, worshiped with Him, learned from Him. They have fled the scene, deserting their Lord and Teacher.
As my anger begins to rise and bubble up, tears take its place and overflow, as I realize this truth:
I am each one.
I am Peter, having a passion and zeal for Christ, but have failed Him at times with my immaturity and impulsivity.
I am Zacchaeus, one day climbing to the top of the tallest tree to get a glimpse of my Lord, yet the next day, I’m Jonah running from Him and sitting in a belly of a whale because of my rebellious, prideful heart.
I am Thomas, STILL consumed with doubts and wondering if He is there.
I am Mary of Bethany crying from my loved ones deaths and screaming to God “Where were you!?”
I am Mary sitting with my guests entering into their lives with my full attention and heart. And I am Martha in the kitchen, consumed with perfectionism, afraid of real intimacy.
I am Abraham and I see all of my Issac’s throughout the years. All the things I desired more than God, craved more than God, loved more than God.
I am Paul, Chief of All Sinners, blinded by my own self-righteousness.
I am Eve. Still taking a bite of the luscious fruit because I fear Christ may be holding out on me.
The Lord takes me to the Garden of Gethsemane.
Christ is full of sorrow to the point of death, in such agony He is oozing drops of blood. He has asks the disciples three times to stay up and pray.
In angst, I run to his disciples to wake them and as I roll them over, I see me lying there.
The glaring reality is, I also, have fallen asleep in my faith and given way to temptation because I did not heed His warnings.
I am now back at the cross.
I see all my sin and victories before me. I hear my Savior’s voice and hear Him say:
“It is Finished.”
I no longer have to run, I no longer have to hide, I no longer have to fear anything, including death.
A couple of days pass and the Lord leads me to the empty tomb. Mary Magdalene is there.
It is still dark and the stone has been rolled away.
I watch as she rushes to tell Simon Peter and John, before she can finish speaking, they begin to sprint to the tomb. I run quickly behind them.
They are sprinting so fast, they can’t catch their breath. They are desperate to see.
Did He do what He said He would do? Was everything He said true after all? John outruns Peter getting there first.
When we arrive, I sense a familiar feeling.
I too have visited tombs and seen people, dreams, and hearts die, including my own. I have tasted the hopelessness of death.
I sense John’s hesitancy to go in. He’s scared to trust. Scared to believe. Scared to hope.
John peers in and sees the strips of linen lying there but draws back. Peter reaches the tomb and rushes right in. Peter looks down and sees the linen and the burial cloth that had been placed around Jesus’ head.
Finally, John musters his courage and timidly walks in.
Scripture says after going in and seeing the tomb empty, he saw and believed. Their Savior did what He told them He was going to do, He had resurrected. He had risen, defeating death.
I am now standing in my kitchen.
I’m getting ready to bake cookies and tracing the outline of the cookie cutter shaped in the image of the cross.
I am John standing at the door of my heart, hesitant to go in.
It is Thursday two days before Easter and the world is in turmoil and I have been running scared. The news plays on and the stories escalate. The horrors rise in this crazy world and I stand at the door peering in scared to believe, scared to trust, scared to hope.
I look up asking Jesus, “Where are you? Will you come back? Will you do what you said you would do?”
And all I can hear Him say is:
“It is Finished.”
Image source: canstockphoto.com
I am in awe of your talents sister! This transcends all you’ve ever written. I can’t say enough about how good this blog is. Powerful stuff.
Thank you Sis! I love you so much and appreciate your kind words, especially coming from an amazing, gifted writer like yourself! Happy Easter Sister! He is alive! xoxo
What another great blog! Captured exactly what Easter truly is about. (Not the bunny) we lose sight of what this season is about,and you wrote it to a tee. Kudos.
Thank you sister. Love you!!! xoxo (so cool seeing “Amy Mayes appear on my feed!) 😉
How awesome and heart touching. Thank you for those words. Everyone needs to stop and read this and breathe it all in. God bless you.
Thank you Linda. I stand in awe of our Savior’s sacrifice. Blessings to you and your family this Easter dear sister. xo
You have greatly honored our Lord and Savior with this post. Keep the faith flowing out of your fingers and let it flow around the world so everyone will know he is I AM!
Thank you mom. xoxo
This Blog Post should be Read by EVERY SINGLE BELIEVER, and OFTEN!
I Love your Writing, and every single one of them are pure TRUTH, But this one here
Wow…… absolutely WOW..
Thank you Josh! That means so much! Thank you for always being an amazing brother in Christ and one of my biggest cheerleaders. Okay, not cheerleader, um, encouragers! lol Love you brother! xo
Love, love, love the truth in this piece. Thank you! I’m going to share this at my Bible class tomorrow.
Thank you Holly. I pray your bible class is overwhelmed with God’s love today. Love you my friend. xoxo