Once upon a time there was a little girl who danced and twirled and was so content with her life. Her daddy told her she was beautiful and smart and she believed him. But, as she grew, an ugly voice began speaking to her saying things like: “You aren’t smart enough”, or “pretty enough”, he […]
Author Archives: justthewritegift@comcast.net
The Healing Power of Your Table and a Real Community
A few years ago, the Lord sat at my table tapping His fingers waiting to have a conversation with me. I ignored Him. I didn’t want to talk about it and I didn’t want to go there. So day after day, He patiently waited, annoyingly, slurping on a latte. His slurping was driving me nuts. When God […]
The Power in a Small No
I’m really mad at my dad today. Six years ago I lost forty-five pounds. And I didn’t just lose the weight, I was enjoying a healthy eating lifestyle, only indulging in treats occasionally, and working out regularly. I kept this up for years until dad got sick. Then he started guilting me into eating […]
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