If I Could Just Be Like Her

canstockphoto37463601Once upon a time there was a little girl who danced and twirled and was so content with her life.

Her daddy told her she was beautiful and smart and she believed him.

 But, as she grew, an ugly voice began speaking to her saying things like: “You aren’t smart enough”, or “pretty enough”, he convinced her at a young age to begin to compare herself to “her”.

“Her” was whatever girl that seemed to have more. 

 Whether it was better looks, brains, or personality, she noticed when her was in the room and always felt invisible when she was present.

The little girl would lay in bed at night and say to herself: 

“If I could just be like her then I’d be happy.”

The comparison monster stayed for many years. He grew with her into her teens, twenties and thirties. The comparing never stopped, and the striving to be more. After exhausting herself all those years, one day she woke up to this powerful truth:

The monster in her head was a liar.

She realized God had given her one precious life and she had wasted so much time wishing to be like someone else. 

The comparison monster still tries to creep in her mind every now and again and when he does, she’s now learned the secrets to giving him the boot.

For many of you reading this, you felt you were reading your own story right? Girlfriend, the devil is sneaky, but not original.

Can I pour some truth and love over your heart today?

First of all, I’m not going to tell you what you’ve already heard, that looks don’t matter and all that matters is your inner beauty. (we’re sick of hearing it). And I’m not going to tell you to stop liking makeup or clothes or feeling pretty, you are talking to the makeup queen here sisters.

But the truth is, we do need to recognize lies we’ve bought into and realize what our hearts are really searching for in all our quests for beauty.

So when we find ourselves scrolling through social media wishing to have so and so’s body, hair, or life, what we are truly longing for is not to be just like “her.” If we dig deeper into our hearts, we will find what our hearts are truly longing for is to be loved and seen.

And here’s the awesome part: we already are.

If the comparison monster is still taking up reign in your mind, can I give you a challenge? First, start paying attention to two things:

Recognize your “hers'” and when you compare yourself to others.  Also, ask yourself this question when you feel not enough: “What is it my heart is truly desiring right now?”

Last, but most importantly, when you find yourself starting to compare– stop, pray, taking those thoughts captive and ask God to help you and He will.

There’s a story in the bible about a woman named Hagar.

She ends up in the wilderness, alone, afraid, and feeling forgotten.  God sends an angel to her to let her know He’s with her. The scripture says Hagar feels so comforted knowing God saw her, this is what she says to the angel:

 “You are the God who sees me,” for she said, “I have now seen the One who sees me.” Genesis 16:13

Remember at the beginning of my story when I told you the little girl was happy because her daddy told her she was beautiful and she believed him?

Honeygirl– your Father in Heaven sees you. You are ENOUGH. You don’t have to wish to be more, He says you are lovely, cherished and adored because you are HIS daughter.

So, put your dancing shoes on, lift up your head and SEE the ONE who sees you and calls you beautiful.

And believe Him.

God who sees me quote


(image source: canstockphoto.com)

*Today my friend Jaime is having a blog party go check out some awesome writers and be encouraged! https://youresewtrendy.blogspot.com/



About justthewritegift@comcast.net

6 comments on “If I Could Just Be Like Her

  1. Amazing. U truly have a gift this story is so true i can relate alot i stay away from alot of love one because of this !!thank you and i hope readying more of ur beautiful work can help me and a billion other !!!!love u ant holly

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