You know those books you can’t put down even though there is cleaning, laundry, cooking and work to be done? The kind of book that you find yourself highlighting so much that most of the pages are fluorescent yellow? The kind of book that finds you nodding in agreement, laughing one minute, crying the next […]
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Are You a Dead Man Walking? (7 Ways God Breathes the Dead Back to Life)
There is something worse than being dead. Feeling dead. My kids are obsessed with the show The Walking Dead. (I’m sorry I know many of you love this show, but come on is this what entertainment has come to?!?) As I pass by the TV and see the dead walking, I see some familiarity. How […]
Love Big or Go Home
Yesterday morning I asked my father, “What do you want to read in the bible today?” He said, “Psalm 23, let’s take it apart and go over each section thoroughly.” As we read through together we paused at my cup runneth over, and I stopped and asked him, “What makes your cup runneth over?” […]
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