Are You a Dead Man Walking? (7 Ways God Breathes the Dead Back to Life)


There is something worse than being dead.

Feeling dead.

My kids are obsessed with the show The Walking Dead. (I’m sorry I know many of you love this show, but come on is this what entertainment has come to?!?)

As I pass by the TV and see the dead walking, I see some familiarity. How we robotically walk through our lives like zombie’s, going through the motions day after day after day. (insert yawn here).

Here’s a couple of clues we may be half dead:

 We can’t remember the last time we took a risk or did something that made our hearts beat fast or palms sweat,


 We spend more time on social media scrolling through other people’s lives than enjoying our own.

Houston, we have a problem.

Jesus said He came to give us life and have it to the full.

So, how do we let God breathe life back into us and defibrillate our hearts?

Here are seven ways God used to shock me back to life:

Write out your dreams- Don’t tell me you don’t have any. That’s another sign you may have one foot in the grave, you don’t dream anymore. Some of you feel your life sucks and it is what it is. Excuse me, but REALLY!?? God has you still here and breathing, and He put you here for a purpose, so get busy! Start small if you have to. Grab a piece of paper and write down at least one thing you dream about and are afraid to say out loud.

Put on some music that speaks to your soul and gets your feet and rump shaking. ‘Nuff said.

Rock someone’s world- My husband always tells our boys that if they want to feel alive, go and help someone. There are many around us with needs. Send a card, write a letter, spoil someone rotten for a day, get out of your comfort zone and tell someone in your life how much they matter to you. There are people out there desperate for love and to be seen and heard.

Forgive- Some of us can’t feel alive because we can’t get over the pain and hurt of the past. Unforgiveness is a plaque that hardens us, builds, and kills our souls. Forgiving others can be the paddles that God uses to jump-start our hearts and heal them. If you have felt lifeless for a while, you need to ask yourself if there is unforgiveness there. None of us deserved Christ’s forgiveness. We still don’t. We mess up daily. Give out what He has so lavishly given to you.

Forgiveness quote


Get moving- Motion helps our emotions. (Tony Robbins)- God made our bodies to move. It helps heal our brains, bodies and emotions. Exercise help us think clearly and puts those endorphins in our brains that make us feel like we can conquer the world.

Do that thing you can’t stop thinking about- There are things you have been contemplating. Maybe for years. What are you waiting for?? Sometimes we wait for courage thinking it’s going to fall from the sky. Courage only comes by acting. It’s like a muscle. It doesn’t come by wishing for it. Get to it! (there’s a reason you keep thinking about it.)

Go searching for God and don’t stop until you find Him- Sometimes the reason we are dead men walking is because we forgot the one that breathes the life into us. We didn’t mean for it to happen– life just gets busy, we get tired and distracted. But for Pete’s sake Christ is our oxygen. He said you will seek me and find me when you seek me with all of your heart. When is the last time you really went searching for Him?

I know this is cliché, but this life is a gift, the older I get the more I realize it. In case you didn’t hear that loud and clear let me rephrase that: YOUR LIFE IS A GIFT. Do you want to spend your time here letting fear and complacency hold you back from what God has for you? Me neither.

We got some dreaming, rump shaking and living to do!

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