Sometimes Girls don’t just wanta have FUN, they NEED to have FUN! (For any Lady that may have ‘Old Biddy’ Syndrome ;)

Zoom, Zoom, Zoom down the street I go, Stop at the light, look to my right- and there a sight to behold. Two young girls a gigglin’ and a twirlin’ seemingly no cares in the world, Light turns green, pedal to the metal- and I wonder, “Where is that girl?” That use to giggle and play, make time for friends, […]

Rearranging Priorities

Have you ever heard that saying, “If the Devil can’t make you bad, he’ll make you busy?” So true. In our crazy, busy world we are soooo busy. So busy we rarely have or make the time for real, genuine relationships with believers in Christ.  We feel we’re doing good just to spend time with our […]