My kids started a new school this week. I watched them on their first day nervous as all get out. Brendon came home reporting he loved his new school. Ty on the other hand not so much. He said he didn’t make any friends, (I don’t know how this happened being he is Mr. Social) and then continued to tell me he wasn’t going the next day.
So he was in a tizzy, freaked out and full of fear. I tried talking and praying with him, nothing worked. He cried the whole way to school the next day. I came home so nerved up and anxious I had to do what every girl does when she’s freaked out: call her girlfriends.
No answer from any of them. Go figure. Thanks God.
So as I prayed and spoke to the Lord about Tyler and his fear, The Lord spoke to my heart and said, tell “Tyler to go to his safe place when he’s at school and he’s afraid.” As soon as the Lord said this to my heart, I began to cry.
Here I was praying for my son and wanting him to be reassured and the Lord was not only giving me a message for Tyler, but for me as well.
Our safe place friends is always with us. No matter where we are. No matter what we are facing. No matter how hard, scary, or horrible. Our safe place is JESUS and His loving arms. He resides in our hearts and we can call on Him at any time to come and fill us with His peace.
Whether we are in sitting in a bathroom stall at a college and feeling too stupid to be there, or we are in an elementary school wondering if anyone will want to be our friend.
My dearest friend in the world just lost her husband after 62 years. He was her best friend and soul mate. And now she is living life as a widow and alone for the first time in her life. Can you imagine how scary?
She feels like the rug has literally been pulled out from under her. She told me her comfort in being a couple and always having him there is gone. She is grieving and my heart grieves with her and for her. She even said the grief is so deep that even as much as family and friends try to help-the grief is still overwhelming.
Our Family and Friends bring us comfort. God gave them to us for a reason. But, God will only let them comfort us to a certain extent. He will only let a human word or touch go so far. He made it that way on purpose. When we are in a pit of despair or a fit of fear-humans are not strong enough to bear the load of our grief.
People disappoint. People fail. People die. They are human.
They were never meant to rescue us. Only a Savior can do that.
That’s why our ultimate comfort and safety has to be in Jesus alone. We can’t put our stock and hope in others. I am continually learning this lesson and then when I think I got it, I have to relearn it again.
Even as a Mother I could not bring comfort to Tyler’s anxious heart. I can even go so far with my own children. Because truly they are the Lords.
As I read in the bible about King David, he had learned where his true safety resided. He had learned in the midst of the hardest tribulations and people trying to kill him, he could trust the Lord to get him through. I pray for faith and trust like that. If we have trust in Jesus and believe He and He alone is our safety, we can get through anything this hard life throws at us.
So to end my story, Tyler’s second day was amazing. He made ten friends!
Not one or two, but ten! 🙂
And this mama just shook her head and smiled because she knew he could do it. And our Father in heaven shakes his head and smiles at us the same way when we are so afraid and feel we can’t make it. He’s got it. He’s in control. Not let’s TRUST HIM friends. And take refuge under His wings. It is the safest place in the world.
Especially when we’re in a TIZZY. 😉
Psalm 4:8- I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety. Author: David
Psalm 16:1- Keep me safe, O GOD, for in you I take refuge. Author: David
Psalm 63:7- Because you are my help, I will sing in the shadow of your wings. Author: David
Psalm 118:8- It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in man. Author: Anonymous