Hey Lady Dieting, Struggling and Killing Herself…This is for You!

Dear Chronic Dieter- Constant Comparer- Never-Ending Perfectionist,

Hey sister can we talk? Actually can I share my heart with you? First let me be upfront about some things. I know what it feels like to feel your body is not good enough. I know what it feels like to constantly look at other women who are smaller, toner, leaner, longer, taller, and basically just way more perfect.

I know what it feels like to be trying on clothes in a dressing room and actually feeling not too bad about yourself, then walk out to see the woman with your ideal, dream body picking up her size 2’s off the rack and go back into the dressing room feeling utterly, defeated.

I know all about the comparing, the belittling of oneself, the promises to try harder, work out more, to try your darndest to be that perfect girl. Been there and done that sister.

I’ve also known what’s it like to gain weight, and more weight, and more weight, because food is so darn good and it just comforts us down to our bones sometimes.

I know about the yo-yo dieting, the up and down and all around, the constant on and off of the scale and the maybe if I strip down to nakedness and after I use the bathroom it will change. And maybe then, I will feel good enough. Skinny enough. Maybe, just maybe the scale will give me the validation to prove that I’m enough.

Oh yes sweet sister I know. Oh too well.

But there are some other things I also know now.

We are meant to be healthy and take care of our bodies but we are not meant to worship them. We are not to be so consumed with our looks that we forget that our bodies were made for so much more than just for appearance.

I also know that many of us women carry unrealistic expectations of what we should be able to attain physically. We want to be the girl in the size 2 jeans but our “genes”, age, or body type won’t let that happen no matter how much we kill ourselves.

I know that when we get down to a certain size and are considered healthy and we are still torturing ourselves for perfection, we need to examine what it is we are truly seeking.

I know that this culture that is telling our young ladies when you are thin and pretty enough, you will THEN be good enough is a bunch of crap and I’ve had ENOUGH! Come with me sister, because I want you and I to be forerunners to tell them: Don’t let your outward beauty be what defines you. Take care of the body God has given to you and MOST IMPORANTLY ask Him the size He made you to be. Quit trying to be size of your friends or supermodels that are starving themselves.

I know that when you and I try to lose weight for vanity reasons alone it doesn’t work. But when we do it for health, wellness and wholeness and ask God for help, He does more than help, He walks with us through it and gives us the validation we’ve been longing for all along.

So dear sister, that scale you’ve been weighing yourself on? Use it as a tool to give you guidance for health, not as a measuring stick of your worth.

So, reprogram that brain of yours to what beautiful is, free yourself from unrealistic expectations, give thanks for the body you’ve been given, and work those curves girl, because you have an awesome Designer who thinks you’re beautiful and so do I. 🙂












6 comments on “Hey Lady Dieting, Struggling and Killing Herself…This is for You!

  1. Amen! You are right! God made you, He thinks you’re beautiful, He loves you, He can’t be wrong! Take care of the temple as a good steward.

  2. “You have an awesome Designer who thinks you’re beautiful..” Love that! So true and so many women need to hear this in our culture. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Great post! So encouraging! I particularly love your statement about the scale. “Use it as a tool to give you guidance for health, not as a measuring stick of your worth.” Keep writing and keep sharing. Many need to read this!

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