Then when my sister called me last night and said someone from reading my facebook posts commented to her on my “perfect life” I got off the phone with her and felt convicted by the Lord.
If you’ve ever read my posts and I’ve mislead you to believe my life is perfect, please forgive me. In my pursuit of wanting to lead others to my perfect God, I may at times mislead others into thinking because I talk about the Lord, my life is perfect.
My life is anything but perfect.
It’s actually pretty Jerry Springer most days.
We joke that everyone of in our family has A.D.D. including our dogs. (But, I’m not joking please come by anytime and you will soon find out why my sister calls my house the zoo.)
My husband and I have had many bumps, potholes, and ups and downs in our marriage as any other couple and still do. I grapple with my faith, doubt God, and I’ve had to re-learn to trust Him all over again, MANY times.
I yell at my kids (have you ever saw Mommy Dearest?) and they tell me I need anger management. I tell them we should all go together and get a family discount.
Recently in counseling I have discovered I have a Master’s Degree in Control Freakology and if you ask my husband he will tell you I work very diligently at keeping things under my control.
I exaggerate when I tell stories, I judge others then God has to knock me off my high horse, I can be manipulative to get my way, sometimes I treat strangers better than my own family, I repeat the same sins over again and swear the next day I’m gonna do better and then find myself repenting over the same things, my ego and pride are sometimes so big that to deflate me God has had to let me be humiliated.
I could go on and on about my NOT so perfect self or life. But instead I will leave this with telling you this: I serve the most awesome, truthful, just, amazing, GOD and He is perfect. Will I ever be perfect? Heck no. It says in the Word of God, not one of us is righteous, not one! (Romans 3:10).
But it also says we were created by Him and for Him and to reflect His glory. (Colossians 1:16). I pray that I can let God have His way in me so He can get glory through my life. He is the Redeemer and Restorer of broken lives friends- this I know. So if I talk about Him a lot it’s because I still can’t get over how He loves, forgives and heals.
I’m off to go chase my dogs now running down the street….you think they will come up with A.D.D. pills for dogs? Just wondering…