I can feel your passion and fire in your bones. I so know what you are feeling. The Lord took me back today to when I first found Him and I cried tears of joy. There is nothing on this planet brother or sister, that compares to knowing Christ. And when we first meet Him, simply put, there are no words big enough to describe it.
Here is a list to encourage you and give you a little bit of guidance on this new journey. By no means is this a know all, exhaustive list in how to grow as a Christian, just some things I’ve learned along the way.
1. Keep Christ As Your First Love- Right now you are head over heels in love with Jesus. As time passes there are going to be things in your life that compete for His place in your heart. Life comes in, you get busy. Guard your heart. Keep the passion alive. Fight to keep Christ as your first love. (Revelation 2:4).
2. Be Teachable and Willing To Learn– The people who become whole and healed have this one thing in common: They throw their pride out the window. The bible is full of men and women who were willing to travel thousands of miles, climb trees, roof tops, and reach through crazy crowds to get to Christ and learn from Him. Sit at His feet, listen and learn. Ask Him for a teachable, humble heart. Desperation = healing.
3. Eat God’s Word Your Spiritual Life Depends On It– God’s word is your bread and nourishment for your mind, body and soul. (Luke 4:4). It was breathed upon by God to be your encouragement, hope and strength. It is for your correction, growth and protection. God’s word is the most powerful force and weapon on this earth. (Hebrew 4:12) Ingest it, memorize it, and speak it over your life.
4. Put On Your Armor- I won’t sugar coat this. Satan is roaring mad you are now following Christ (1 Peter 5:8). He will stop at nothing to kill, steal and destroy your faith and try to keep it from growing (John 10:10). It says in Ephesians 6, to put on the full armor of God so when the day of evil comes you will be able to stand. Notice it says, when, not if. Suit up brother or sister and sharpen your sword. (re-read number 3).
5. Reaching Your Family and Friends For Christ- I know you want to reach all your loved ones for Christ, as you should. Share your new faith with them, but let the Holy Spirit guide you on when to speak and not to. People don’t want to hear, they want to see. Let the fruit in your life do the telling. Learn to love, forgive and live like Christ, that will be your greatest witness.
6. This Is Going To Cost You- I’m not going to water this down, living for Christ and dying to yourself is not a walk in the park. When Jesus said to consider the cost and the road to following Him was narrow, it’s because its hard. We as humans don’t like hard. We love what feels good so this goes against our natural selves. Just know and trust this: It may be hard, but God is building something inside of you that is going to last for eternity. (2 Corinthians 4:16-18).
7. Find Believers To Do Life With- I cannot stress this enough: Do NOT try to do this alone. Find a bible believing, teaching church and other Christians to help you grow. You need encouragement, wisdom and strength poured into you. Find people to disciple you and read books from people full of knowledge in the Lord.
8. Get Out Of The Boat- This one is tough because this is where the rubber meets the road. This is your chance to exercise everything God has taught you. He’s going to set you up for miracles, but you must get out of the boat. You are going to be scared, sweat profusely and beg “God please don’t make me do it” and may even run. Then He’s going to lovingly lead you back to the boat and ask you to take a risk and trust Him.
9. Find Your Purpose- You have a race to run. You have gifts and talents which the world needs. You have a purpose God placed you on this earth for. Pray, seek and find it! Don’t bury your gifts. Don’t say you have nothing to offer. Find your purpose and it use for God’s glory.
10. Go And Make Disciples– Jesus’ last words: go and make disciples. (Matthew 28:19) He wasn’t just talking to pastors. That’s you and me. If we aren’t ministering, reaching the lost and making disciples, something is wrong. The Lord didn’t call us to just go to church and gorge on His word like an all you can eat buffet and sit and do nothing. He called us to be full of His spirit and to go, tell, and help set others free.
11. Jesus Christ Is Going To Change Your Life– Jesus Christ didn’t come to just get us to heaven, He came to give us an abundant life. He is wild about you and He is getting ready to show you things your eyes, ears and mind have never seen nor imagined (1 Corinthians 2:9). Put your seatbelt on because He’s not only going to blow you away with His amazing grace and love, He’s going to turn your whole world upside down, in a good way. 😉 Savor this time. Relish it.
God bless each and every one of you on your new journey with Christ, I know He is going to rock your world. 🙂
(image source:canstockphoto.com)
Looking forward to reading your blog.
Thanks for coming by Judy and for subscribing! 🙂 Blessings to you.
Very nice and very well described! I enjoyed reading! Ty for sharing:)
Thanks Buddy! And thank you for coming by. 🙂 glad it blessed you. xo
You are the Best!
No my friend YOU are the best! 🙂 Thanks for stopping by. Miss you! xo
Thank you so much.
It is so overwhelming to read your words but to actually FEEL the passion you have for Christ through your words is astounding!
Im very eager to continue reading your blogs as I also passionately love Christ whole heartedly also.
It makes my heart gleam when I come across people like you doing Gods work through the gifts he blessed you with.
I gave my life over to him completely 10 months ago and you are ON POINT when you try to explain the feeling…..indescribable!
I long to share Gods gracious love with others also. But until that time comes, there is no doubt he lays out his plan (people like yourself) so I may grow more and more spiritually each day.
Amie- Thanks for coming by! And so happy for you that you are following Christ now! What a beautiful journey you are on my dear sister. Many blessings to you. xoxo