The church was beautiful, rich in history with high ceilings and gorgeous stained glass windows.
It was Christmas Eve and I was digging the candle lit service.
The pastor was preaching an awesome message on Jesus’ birth and my spirit welled up within me, (forgetting I was in a more conservative worship setting), and before I knew it I bellowed out a hearty “Amen!”
As soon as it came flying out, my hand slapped over my mouth as my eyeballs bulged out of my head. I quickly looked all around me, no one seemed to mind, but the couple next to me giggled.
Thank God.
They understood this Pentecostal girl’s passion.
We were in good company we were with family and we happened to be visiting their church. I left that night respecting and admiring my Lutheran brothers and sisters and their church body.
I wish I could say I have always been so open to other denominations and finding God’s presence in each one, but that’s not the case.
I use to think other churches that didn’t believe or worship like me were way off and “my church’s way was best.”
God has a way of knocking the narrow-mindedness out of your belief system one way or another.
When He introduced me to my Landi who is a devout Catholic (and my hero) was when He really began opening my eyes. (read our story here).
The last time I went to mass with Landi I sat there as I did at the Lutheran service taking it all in.
I was once again entranced by the beauty surrounding me. As I looked at the paintings and statues I admired the amazing artistry and vibrancy of each one and how they each had the ability to take me right to the scriptures and bible stories I love so much.
Now as the service went on, I must confess I wondered about all the getting up, sitting down, kneeling again and again.
But, as I sat and watched Landi and how she revered the Lord and her willingness to stand, kneel and sit, I was convicted.
Who was I to ever question how many times was appropriate to kneel before God in a service?
Lesson learned there.
It’s so easy to pick apart the differences in our churches. The ritualism versus variety, the public displays of hand raising and shouting versus quiet reverence.
This is the thing– God made us all unique.
Some are more emotional and like variety and some are more quiet and like to know what to expect and just want to revere the Lord and don’t need a big production.
And let’s face it us Protestants at times can be too much about what we gain from a service, if the music is just right, if the preaching was anointed or not, and God forbid if they don’t have a good childrens program.
And if any of it is off we will be the first to complain.
Two more reasons why I love the Lutheran and Catholic faiths: They lovingly open their doors to friends of Bill W. When some other churches are a little too hoity toity about cigarette butts. (I’m just sayin’). And let’s not forget the way they serve the poor.
Friends– I think we can learn a thing or two from each other. Does it mean we have to agree on everything? No. Does it mean we have to agree with a church’s doctrine to respect them? No.
So why am I a Bapticostal? (Baptist/Pentecostal) (and no it’s not because I love chicken, ok maybe a little bit) 😉
Well, for the obvious reasons, for one, my family is Baptist, and two, I’m one of those fiery types and the good Lord knows it has to come out!
He made me a mover and a shaker. 😉
I love how our Baptist/Pentecostal preachers and teachers make the word of God come alive and how the Holy Spirit is so tangible during our worship time. But to be totally frank, I’m not hung up on religion. I just love Jesus. It’s not what you know, but, whom you know.
As far as Methodists, Presbyterians, Non-denominational, all the different denominations out there in the Christian church, I can’t share an opinion because I haven’t visited all of them.
But, I do know they each represent Christ and His glory in their own beautiful way.
Friends our God is a mystery. And I’m so glad the Holy Spirit is not limited to a religion, a building or our own narrow minds.
I heard Joyce Meyer say once she believes we all have it a little bit right and a little bit wrong and when we get to heaven, we will find out.
My favorite quote is from Mother Teresa: “I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things.”
God is not into disunity amongst His children. He’s all about us learning and growing from each other. And being united in bringing a lost world to His Son Jesus Christ.
So, the next time you visit a church not like yours, do not go there to compare or criticize. Go there looking for God and His presence there.
And, you just might learn a thing or two.
Plus, you never know you may find yourself shouting an amen unexpectdly or kneeling willingly without counting.
Either way I can tell you this, if you go with an open, teachable heart you will blessed for it.
(image source:
Awesome job Holy Holly, oops Holly lol, all jokes aside you let him shine through you around you,and your words as well….love you..
Dad! lol You are you though. And thank you. xoxo
loved this!
Thanks Barb! I appreciate it! And thanks for coming by! 🙂