I have pictures all over my home of my family. Probably hundreds of dollars wrapped up in these framed photos placed just right on my walls.
Some are great pictures, taken by gifted photographers. But there is something really bugging me lately about them.
How they don’t tell the real story of my family.
They present this glossy, perfect, little family. They give a snapshot of our lives, but not the real, broken, redeemed story.
I want to paint across the living room walls something next to each picture.
I want to write next to my husband’s pictures:
Recovered addict.
Recovered passive man who found his voice and learned through Christ to stand up to his controlling, wife and in doing so, set her free. Amazing father and role model to not only his children but, many.
Next to my pictures: girl who came from dysfunction, full of pride, anger and control. Pursued and chased down by a man named Jesus who rescued her and still rescues her from herself and her old patterns.
Next to our wedding pictures I’d write in big, bold letters: 16 years. Miracle. Almost divorced. Learned and still learning to die to themselves in order to be ONE.
Next to my boys I want to splash all over in big bold letters in bright RED: GENERATIONAL CURSES BROKEN.
Boys that fail and fall, talk back, drive us crazy many days, but are growing into men of God and learning that God is their perfect parent and we never will be.
Friend, I’m not saying we can’t have great photos taken of our families. But, can we erase that phony, plastic, persona we have of each other?
Facebook and Instagram is not in short supply of perfect, family photos.
But, the world around us in need of stories of brokenness, healing and redemption. If someone comments on one of your photos can I challenge you to share your story?
If you were to splash some truth on your walls next to your photos what would they say?
When your grandkids pull out your images in 30 years what will you tell them?
Do you have stories of healing and redemption? Then start sharing not just your perfect images, but your perfect God.
Would love to hear from you! Share below some of the things you would write next to your photos of God’s amazing grace in your life!
(Just a FYI, there is a reason Nicolelee photography won best of the best photographer in Monroe County. She does anything but take cheesy pictures. She is amazing, creative and anointed by God to capture real families and authenticity in all her pictures. Check her out and you will see what I mean. 😉
{image source: can stock photo}
Hi Holly!
I found my way here from a comment you left today on Holley Gerth’s blog…. I clicked on it because you said exactly what I was thinking and I thought.. here’s a kindred spirit. When I came to your blog, the title of this one got my attention because although I love to see my friends pictures, I’m really not a fan of the “perfect” impression that Facebook gives us of each others lives and of the effect it has on all of us…. shallow communication, feeling like we’re missing out on something, and fear that everyone else has it together. Thank you so much for being transparent and for expressing this so beautifully.
To answer your question, my pictures would say: Work in progress, Redeemed by the blood, Woman who struggled with fear, depression, control, and insecurity now stepping out in faith and overcoming through HIM. He is so good and is doing such a work in my life. I want everyone to know that the good things that are happening in my life are because He has a hold of me and won’t let me go. I’ve been stepping out in faith in a big way to start my own business lately and HE is giving me success as he constantly reminds me that I am not going to succeed because of my efforts, but because HE loves me and will take care of me as I choose to trust Him and obey what he tells me to do (which doesn’t always make sense to me!!) Not that everything is easy or always rosy… there are still plenty of things that are a struggle in my life, believe me, but it is so good to be living in that place of flow… of trusting Him because I know if I stop, I will go back to that dead place of fear and yuck. Wanted to share with you the verse he has been speaking to me lately:
It was not by their sword that they won the land, nor did their arm bring them victory; it was your right hand, your arm, and the light of your face, for you loved them. ~Psalm 44:3
Isn’t that awesome! Be encouraged today that you touched someone’s life. I’m sure blogging has it’s discouragements, but if God has given you a vision to do this, keep it up and be faithful to his call!
Love you, sister!
Sandy- Wow I am so blessed by your comment!!! Thank you so much for taking the time to come by and stick around. 🙂 I am in love with that scripture you shared and I am so going to memorize it! I need that in my life right now as well. I’m so glad you related with the post on the photos. We are all a mess and one of my heart’s cry’s is to let people know NONE of us have it together, we just serve a really awesome God who heals and redeems and asks us to go and share our stories. Thank you again for coming by friend! Love you too Sister! xo
Sandy- P.S. so excited for what God is doing in your life! Blessings on your business venture! Thank you also for sharing what you would write on your wall. Man He’s awesome isn’t He?
Hi Holly!
I’m so glad you were blessed by my comment and you’re so right! He IS awesome! You know, I tend to camp in the Psalms because I relate to them a lot, but I don’t remember ever seeing that verse before he led me to it the other day, and I was just blown away by it. I so often think I have to make things happen … be enough,… do enough,. But the truth is, none of it is up to me. My part is just to “trust and obey” as the old song says, and the rest is up to him. That’s so much simpler than we make it… on a daily basis, just CHOOSING to trust Him (which for me often equates to “Lord, I believe, help Thou by unbelief”) and then doing what he says which is also a choice. I am a plenty big mess in and of myself, but the cool thing about what He is doing in my life recently as I strive to do those two things, is so far beyond what I could make happen in my flesh, that it leaves me with no doubt that it is all HIM. Seeing how he has orchestrated my life, lots of what I thought were unconnected parts, to lead me to a place where I could use the gifts he has given me as he provides the opportunities leaves me awestruck… so many of the things I’ve learned or been through, that I didn’t understand or that seemed like a waste, all worked together to prepare me for this season. I needed to remind myself of this today, too!
Be encouraged, Holly… you are clearly gifted and he will continue the good work in you that he has started.
Thank you for sharing your heart with us,