Okay so I am no marriage expert. I have made way too many mistakes as a wife. (still do).
My husband is no saint either.
We do not have a perfect marriage, but we have a good, happy one. A redeemed, saved, healed, fought for kinda marriage.
My husband and I both have a heart for encouraging couples and helping marriages which are hurting, because we have been that hurting couple.
These tips, we are both still learning, but these are some of the key components which not only saved our marriage but, kept it strong.
- Do for your spouse what you keep wishing they’d do for you. (if your spouse is not romantic, then YOU be the romantic one. Not everyone has that gift).
- Give each other 30 second hugs. Especially when you feel disconnected or had a bad fight. By the end of the 30 seconds you will understand what I mean.
- Say you’re sorry even when you feel you aren’t wrong. Humble pie is very good for our pride and ego.
- Surprise your spouse every now and then. It’s the little things that add up to the big things. A note or card just because, flowers, their favorite candy.
- Have A LOT of sex. Enough said.
- Wives- believe in your husband. Encourage him into the man you want him to be. Nagging does not work.
- One of you may have to learn to shut up and one of you to speak up. (passivity and dominance can be equally damaging to a marriage.) Some of you can guess which one of us had to learn to shut up. 😉 still learning. 😉
- Say thank you and show gratitude towards your spouse. Even for the littlest things.
- Forgive. 70 x7. Wash, rinse and repeat. (my friend Colleen made that up, love it!)
- Fight for your marriage. Go to counseling if needed. We have been to a few counselors over the years. Be willing to do inventory on yourself and what God is asking you to change. Pride does not have any place in a good marriage. Keep the D word out of your fights. Ask any couple that’s been together 50 + years if they regret fighting for their marriage.
- Learn your spouse’s love language. (read the 5 Love Languages from Gary Chapman it will change your marriage).
- Give at least 2 kisses a day. At least 1 I love you, At least 2 kind words. And laugh together multiple times!
- Believe the best about your spouse. Whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–focus on these things. (Philippians 4:8)
- Make dating a top priority. (even when your kids are little!) You both need this more than you know. Make this as much a priority as paying the bills, if you don’t it will cost you intimacy in your marriage.
- Save your money and budget getaways just for each other. You need this time of refreshing.
- Marriage will make you holy if you will let it. Learn to die to yourself and serve your spouse. The best marriages are couples whom have learned to serve one another.
*If you liked this post you may want to read What I Wish I Knew Before I Got Married.
Amie- Thank you. 🙂