I recently heard of a young woman standing up at a meeting and sharing her recovery story of heroin addiction.
She has a little over a year clean.
A miracle of all miracles, if you know anything of heroin addiction.
I’ve spoken to many alcoholics and addicts who have begged God to deliver and heal them from their addiction. My father was one of them.
God did not choose to heal them instantaneously.
Instead, the Father led them down a different path of healing, such as the 12 steps–a pathway to honesty, spiritual and emotional healing, and service to others.
Their miracle and healing did not come as they had expected or prayed for.
But, it still came.
My father is battling stage 4 bile duct cancer. His relationship with two of my older sisters had been estranged for years.
Until his cancer.
Through the softening of all of their hearts, in the middle of cancer, a miracle has happened in their relationship with our dad. An emotional healing has come to all of their hearts that is so supernatural they can’t quite explain it.
A healing that I’m sure they wish would have come much sooner and in a different way.
Their miracle and healing did not come as they had expected or prayed for.
But, it still came.
I’m also thinking of a people 2,000 years ago that were in desperate need of a miracle.
They must have been staring into that open sky full of stars wondering if God was there anymore.
400 years of silence, God had quit speaking.
No prophet. No messengers. No angels. They were awaiting the Messiah He had promised.
I’m sure they looked for Him wherever they went wondering, “Is this Him?” They were waiting for the King that would come and rescue them.
I loved the line in the movie Son of God when it says, “They were craving a Savior.”
God was preparing their hearts to receive what He was going to give them.
Finally, after hundreds of years, the silence was broken. In the cry of a babe born of virgin birth, in a dirty manger.
Talk about the unexpected.
Of course we know many rejected that He was the Messiah. Most were very disappointed.
Their healing and miracle did not come as they had expected or prayed for.
But, it still came.
I’m thinking we have a lot in common with the Jewish people of Christ’s day.
Let’s admit, sometimes we are disappointed at the way God chooses to do things.
And we question His timing. And if we’re really honest, we look up to heaven in times of deep suffering and waiting, and begin to wonder if He is still there.
It seems a lot happens with us in the waiting room. In the dark hours of the night. In the periods of silence.
I’m wondering if in the waiting room and pain, if God is building something into us that we cannot even begin to wrap our minds around.
As much as I do not enjoy these periods in my life, and I’m unsure of and question many things God allows, I feel our pain is not for nothing. And do I dare say, He just may be preparing our hearts to receive something unexpected, yet glorious in all of it.
Because one thing I am stumbling upon– our love, compassion, and greatest service to others is birthed from our deepest pain.
I wonder if the 400 years of silence wouldn’t have happened, if the jewish people would have had a deep craving for something more.
I wonder if the heroin addict would have had instantaneous healing, if she would have went on to share her story and in doing so bind up the wounds of others.
I wonder if my dad and sisters relationship would have been healed long ago, if they would be experiencing the supernatural right now.
And lastly, His followers who at first doubted Him, argued with Him about his death, witnessed Him resurrect– I wonder if looking back they realized what God had accomplished was painful, messy, and glorious all in one.
Even though it did not happen how they had expected or prayed for.
Maybe what we need to realize is the Christmas miracle we are longing for, the one we need most, was already given.
Maybe what we need to realize is our craving and longing for Him is a gift of grace.
And that after long periods of silence and thinking He has forgotten us and after searching for Him everywhere,
the silence will be broken.
In the cry of something beautiful being birthed from our pain. It may not come in the way we had expected or prayed for.
But, our healing, our Savior, will come anyway.
I love this one! It is one of your best. I know I keep saying that each time, but you keep knocking ’em out of the park!
Thank you sister. Your words means so much to me. I love you more than you will ever know!!! xoxo
Thank you, THANK YOU for sharing this Holly. It never fails, when God knows you need to see, read or hear something, he will put it in front of you!
I am blown away by your relationship and TRUST you have in our Saviour.
Thank you so much Holly!
Amie- You are too kind. I’m blown away by God’s goodness and grace to all of us! I don’t always trust Amie I wish I could say I did. I’m learning. Very slowly. And that is the truth! Thank you friend for your kindness. xoxo
Absolutely Loved this! It’s so true, we are all truly blessed to be covered by God’s grace and His Son Jesus not only as our Savior, But a dear personal friend. Growing everyday in Missouri !
Thanks for coming by Darian. Bless you brother and Merry Christmas!!!
This was really encouraging and beautifully written. Thanks for sharing! Maybe I can encourage you, too! I’m over at faithlikedirtydiapers.com if you want to visit!
Thank you Christy! And I will for sure come by and visit! Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Holly Awsome !
God through your studies. Has given you discernment ,
Pain is the touch stone of my recovery
Mr bill said from the podium,
The next day at a workshop on addiction he repeated it.
Hr later explain to me addics and alcholicd5 5 have s great tolerance for pain.
But when they reach there bottom , they get it…..
Thanks Dad. Love you…xoxo