The 3 Most Important Days of Your Life {and How to Find Your Purpose}

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This morning I had a procedure done, no biggie, it all came out fine.

But, I have to tell you what happened during it, which has my adrenaline still pumping despite a little discomfort and feeling loopy.

It starts with a precious Penny.

Not a copper penny, but a beautiful Penny that is a she. 🙂

sweet penny edited

Penny is my brother in law’s, sister-in-law, if that makes sense. (she’s family 😉 She is a nurse anesthetist, (she puts you to sleep for surgery and keeps you comfortable).

She graduated a few months ago and this is the first time I not only had the privilege of seeing her do her job, but to be one of her patients.

As soon as she came into the room I was comforted by her warm hug, sweet smile and kiss on the cheek. There was something else that also caught my attention:

Her passion for what she does.

This girl is not only good at what she does, but she is beaming. She has found what she was called to do and I’m telling you her electricity was magnetic.

She chatted and went over everything with me, and off I went to surgery.

When I was in recovery coming out of the anesthesia fog, my eyes were closed, but I could hear her sweet voice in the background and it was so reassuring. It was as soothing as the warm blanket they covered me with.

As I laid there half out of it– it got me thinking of callings, careers, and cemeteries.

My biggest fear in life was not death– it was the fear of not discovering what God had put me on earth to do and not being brave enough to pursue it.

Whenever I drive past cemeteries, this thought always crosses my mind: “How many of them Lord knew what you put them here for?”

Mark Twain said there are two days in your life that are the most important: “The day you are born and the day you find out why.”

(The third is when we go to heaven.)

I talk to many people who tell me they don’t have a clue what their purpose is. (first off, if you have not read The Purpose Driven Life, by Rick Warren, get in your car and go to the nearest Wal-mart and buy it now!)

That book rocked my world and there is a reason it is still one the best-selling books ever.

So, back to Purpose.

I have two questions for you:

1. Do you know yours?

2. If not, will you search for it?

FYI- your purpose can be different from your career.

Penny may be a CRNA, (that is her career, but if I had to guess what one of her purposes is, it would be to bring care and comfort to the hurting with the tools of her career, skills, knowledge, experiences, etc.)

Another FYI? your purpose is not about you, it’s always about serving others. (but it still benefits you because nothing makes us feel more alive than doing what God has put us here to do! :))

The glory of God is man fully alive- St. Irenaeus

So, here’s the big question: How do we find our purpose if we don’t have a clue?

Here’s a couple of indicators that helped me immensely: It’s the thing you could do whether you are tired, sick, or sad. It makes your heart beat fast and you don’t have to be talked into it.

Our purpose is fueled by our passion and gifts God puts inside of us.

Another clue: What is that thing that keeps you up at night thinking or daydreaming about? The thing you are too scared to voice out loud for fear of failure? Rejection?

The world needs you to be brave sweet friend.

Could you admit to God out loud today what you feel He is leading you to do? Or if you aren’t sure, ask Him to reveal it? If you are feeling really courageous, admit it to another person. 🙂

Because like today with my sweet friend Penny, there is going to come a time in your life when someone’s a little foggy, or scared, and they are going to need what you have.

Whether it is comfort through your words, acts of service, wisdom, warmth from a hug–you have something beautiful to offer.

Get busy searching– The world is waiting.

Proverbs 19:21 

Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.

* Because I am so passionate about others finding their purpose I’m going to give away a copy of The Purpose Driven Life! Here’s what you do: Sign up and subscribe to my blog (if you haven’t already, just type in your email), write a comment below this post, and share it on the social media of your choosing. I have share buttons on this page. I will draw names in a couple of days and announce who the winner is! 🙂

(image source: can stock photo)


2 comments on “The 3 Most Important Days of Your Life {and How to Find Your Purpose}

    • Amie,

      The Purpose Driven Life is LIFE CHANGING. You have to get it! It’s my all time favorite book. You won’t regret it, I promise! Blessings my friend. xoxo

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