Today our Queen turned 92. She has lived a beautiful life and taught us so many lessons by her example. I wanted to start sharing some of the wisdom and lessons I’ve gleaned from her over the last nine years. Today, I’m sharing one of the greatest things we can give others in our friendships. (you can read our story of friendship here).
The phone rings as I sip my coffee and it’s Landi.
She wants to know how my mom is doing. My mother just got out of the hospital and now is having a debilitating rheumatoid flare that has her unable to do anything on her own and is in a lot of pain.
I tell her I’m taking her to a specialist in two days hoping he can help ease her pain.
I hear her angst and concern on the other end of the line and she replies back: “I wish I was stronger because I would go with you for moral support, to encourage you.”
There it is. The thing she does and has always done for anyone she loves.
Offering her calm, reassuring presence.
I tell her what a wonderful friend she is and I get off the phone wondering what I ever did before I had this amazing woman’s friendship in my life.
We have been friends for nine years.
I have seen many enter her home and never once have I seen her turn on a television while guests were there. She gives everyone in her life the gift of her undivided attention. She wants to know about your day, what is in your heart and on your mind, while stopping to ask you, “Would you like some coffee? Wine? How about a cookie?”
This quote captures her well:
“To invite someone into your home is to take charge of their happiness for as long as they are under your roof.”
In today’s world we have become a drop it off, send a quick text, give a quick hug and go, kinda society. We are too busy to sit and linger.
If this woman has taught me anything it is this: Relationships and people should always take precedence over anything else. If you’re too busy for your people, than you are just too busy. It’s when we linger with others that is when intimacy is formed and friendships are forged.
Many people have asked me Landi’s secret to her youthfulness and longevity. I always say it’s because she takes care of herself and serves God and His people.
There is something else that adds to her spark: She makes the people in her life, her priority and joy. She pours herself out for others and her cup continually runs over because of it.
I asked others on facebook to give me words they would use to describe her: Generous, loving, holy, selfless.
A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will themselves be refreshed. (Proverbs 11:25)
Our Queen has exemplified giving the gift of your presence.
She has taught us all who love her to see others not just with your eyes, but your heart.
To take time to listen, really listen, to what someone is saying, and to hear with a heart full of compassion.
To stop what you’re doing and let God interrupt your day in order to be a blessing to someone else.
At 92, I can honestly tell you this amazing woman has mastered the art of loving and living well.
And for all that know her and love her, we are blessed beyond measure to learn from her.
You totally captured the beauty, inside and out, that is Landi. She is such an amazing woman and I feel so fortunate to know her. Great post!
Thanks sis!!! I feel the same, we are blessed to have her in our lives!