She picks up the phone and I’m squealing.
I had just published my first article and I couldn’t wait to tell my sister Tina.
If we would have been able to do cartwheels while holding our phones we would have.
That’s the cool thing with sisters, when you get good news they will jump up and down with you. When you’re sad, especially if someone else hurts you, they will cut them. (maybe not literally, but they are planning it in their minds).
It’s funny when I think of memories with my sisters and all the crap we’ve been through together. No one knows your history or your parents and the inside jokes like your siblings.
If your mom is killing you all you have to do is give your sister the look. She knows the one. And when mom leaves, let the raking begin. All in good fun of course. 😉
My sisters and I can look at each other and in two seconds flat know the state of our psyche. Whether we’re pmsing, ticked at our husbands, forgot to take our antidepressants, or just really crabby from our recent weight gain.
It’s really quite crazy how well you know your siblings.
My sister Rachael screamed from the bathroom the other day without me in her sight, “Stop picking your nails that’s all you’ve done for two days!” I was really obsessing over my cuticles, but, she knew nevertheless it was my nerves.
Whether your sister is chewing the inside of her mouth, shaking her leg 100 miles an hour, or doing some other nervous tic, you can pretty much diagnosis each other’s psychosis better than any shrink. (my sisters and I have saved each other a lot of couch time.) 😉
There are a couple of things you will have with your sister(s) that you absolutely won’t have with anyone else.
You can tell each other anything. Like the weird stuff that may go on down under that only a woman or sister could understand, yup, you confide it in her. (don’t act like I’m a weirdo you do it too).
Or the deep, dark stuff that you would never dream of telling to anyone else, she knows. She knows where you’ve been, who you are, and where you are going.
You also can get on each other’s nerves, rip each other’s heads off, and two minutes later continue on like nothing ever happened. You give each other grace that you would never give to others.
She knows the real you that no one else sees.
She sees you braless, makeup less, will definitely tell you when your butt looks too big in an outfit, and when you need to stop nagging your husband and helicoptering your kids.
She is the one person who has the right to give you advice even when you didn’t ask for it, but need it, because her unconditional love over the years has proven itself. She sees beyond your flaws and imperfections and sees who God is making you to be.
God gave us sisters because He knew.
He knew we were going to need someone to believe in us, accept us and slap us upside the head when no one else has the nerve. He also knew, sisterhood is a safe training ground in learning how to love and pour out buckets of grace.
As I look back on my relationships with my sisters, I realize I want to give back to others the grace they’ve so lavishly given to me.
I want to forgive quicker, be more accepting, let others see the real me, and I want to be the first to squeal and jump up and down when someone has great news.
I’m so grateful for the laughter, memories, lessons, and all the sisters God’s placed in my life.
So girlfriend, if you feel the same and the Lord has blessed you with sisters or friends in your life like sisters, go and thank them today for being a blessing.
And maybe even do a cart-wheel or two together. 😉
{image source: canstockphoto.com}
Thanks sis, it’s all so true! And I know I probably sounded snappy when you called last night, but I was in the middle of cooking and work was driving me crazy and I’m sorry!
It’s all good I didn’t think nothing of it. 😉 Love ya. xo