What’s Your Wow Factor? {Part 2}

Fearfully quote edited

She mumbled it under her breath, but I heard it.

And it wasn’t the first time I’ve heard it, I’ve heard it hundreds of times, in multiple different ways, from men and women.

I have nothing to offer.

There’s nothing special about me.

I have no gifts or talents.

I have no dream.

As many times as I’ve heard these words spoken, it still gets to me.

If you are one of those people who believes these lies, I pray God uses this to get all up in your bizness, in a good way (wink).

In my previous post, (read here) we did an exercise about recalling moments or experiences that wowed us.

The cool reasoning behind it? (To set you up. Just kiddin’, not really).

Because I think it’s important to realize every day God puts people, places and things around us to fill our lives with awe. But most importantly, to let you know you have wow factors which God strategically placed inside of you.

Scripture tells us we were created in His image and we are wonderfully and fearfully made. (so for anyone that says they have nothing to offer, is calling God a liar, I’m just sayin’).

As I was reading about wow moments in scripture, I realized more than ever, God has a flair for the dramaticHe likes to astonish people and there are hundreds of times in scripture He left people with mouths gaping open.

I mean come on the whole Red Sea thing was a little show offy.

So, what’s His point with making us in His image and making us all a little slack jawed by His majesty?

I’ve concluded these two things:

1. He wants us to know Him more and more as we experience Him working in our lives.

2. He wants to make Himself known to the world by revealing His glory in our lives.

Listen to Jesus’ words in one of His last prayers to the Father before He was crucified:

“Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. I have brought you glory on earth by completing the work you gave me to do.”  John 17:3-4 

Friend–it’s imperative that we don’t just know Christ, but we believe Him. We believe He put us on planet earth with a purpose, dreams and gifts to reflect His image, love and goodness.

At the end of our lives what a marvel it would be, to know, we brought the Father glory by completing the work He had for us to do.

That is the Lord’s greatest dream for us friend. 

Most of us have seen or heard about Nick Vujicic. I want you to watch this video (even if you’ve seen it, watch it again, no cheating or reading below until you’re done).

He’s amazing isn’t he? If his life doesn’t make us say “wow” or see a life reflecting God’s glory I dont’ know what will.

What I love is Nick chose to stop believing the lies that he had nothing to offer.

He chose to believe God had a plan for his life.

How about you?

Will you believe when God dreamt you up, He decided He was gonna use you to show off a little? 😉 And will you believe He wants to make Himself known through your life?

Because here’s the thing– there’s a big world out there.

And He wants to use you to WOW them.

{image source: canstockphoto.com}


















About justthewritegift@comcast.net

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