When It’s all Said and Done {what really matters and a challenge to share our stories}

         This life just seems so hard lately and scary, there are many times I just want to pull the covers over my head and not get up and deal with it.

The other day the rain seemed to fit my mood. I didn’t want to turn on the t.v. afraid of hearing more bad news, I didn’t want to get on facebook for it seemed empty, so I decided to listen to my  Pastor’s sermon from Sunday. I listened to him talk about righteousness and holiness and how to have a blessed life as he read from Psalms 1 and 119.Rain drops

The words and WORD brought life back into me and gave me some pep and hope. Then a friend sends me a text thanking me for my husband and I changing their lives by inviting them to church a few months ago. And I thank her back because really she has changed our lives by letting us share our hope in Christ.

My husband and mine’s story is not this pretty, testimonial. It is a story of two, very broken people, that have messed up so much and how God can use us in the midst of it is beyond me. But, God is amazing and He is faithful and true even when we are not. And it amazes me how we think to share the gospel with others we have to have our acts together, know the bible backwards and forward, but really people just need to hear our stories. That we are broken too and that God came and He healed our wounds and He still is.

I went into my son’s room to show him the text she sent about her sons going to the library on the weekends with their mom to listen to Pastor Nate’s sermons and how often they are reading their bible. How these teenagers are seeking God on their own free will and wanting to know Him makes tears stream down my cheeks, because I know this is what life is truly about.

That when it’s all said and done, we won’t take anything with us, but our souls and what we did with Christ while on this planet. That we work so hard for so much that doesn’t matter, and that we work our lives away to appear perfect, and we will stand naked before a perfect God and wonder why we wasted so much time on nothing that really mattered.

I thank God He interrupted my day that felt so blah, and mundane, and hard, to wake me up to the truth that the Apostle Paul was right when he said nothing even compares in this world to knowing Christ. May we keep this truth in us and with us and lock it deep into our hearts.

Because when it’s all said and done-all that matters is Jesus Christ and His Kingdom not ours.

So may we be about His business friends. We are all broken, but may we take our masks off, and share our stories because I can guarantee you someone in your life and mine, needs to hear them.

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