When We Refuse to Listen to God


I laid in bed last night staring at the ceiling until one a.m. thinking of that twelve year old’s boy comment and how profound it was.

How it described exactly how it feels when I’m refusing to listen to God and become distant from Him. The seventh grade boy nailed it.

This is what he said:

“Being distant from God is like when your blanket falls off of you onto the floor in the middle of the night and you just can’t get warm or comfortable. But when you find your blanket and pull it up and wrap it around you, it’s like being back in the comfort of God’s arms.”

Can someone please tell me how a 12-year-old boy knew how to articulate that? My mouth hung open as I peered into his sweet, freckled face and brown eyes staring back at me.

Cody- you are so right. It’s so cold and uncomfortable without the presence of Jesus near us. He’s like a bed warmer cranked up to 50.

King David agrees too: He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. Psalm 91:4

On Sunday evenings we’ve been doing a teen bible study with my boys and their friends. Last night the subject was obedience to God and the peace it brings, or lack of it, when we don’t heed His commands.

Not a subject that is politically correct, but still relevant today nonetheless.

In between spaghetti, toasty garlic bread and sundaes on Sunday, we pondered Jesus’ words, “if you love me, obey my commands.” John 14:15

Dang Jesus, tell us how you really feel.

In the church we started tip toeing around talking about obedience because well, it just felt so rulish, and heavy. We were tired of thinking God was mad at us for every sin and where in the world was grace?

What God is teaching me is obedience is not being perfect and never sinning. Nor is it all flowers and roses and all is grace and we can do whatever our little hearts desire.

Obeying God is not following rules, it’s a submitted heart positioned towards following His voice.

obeying quote


You and I both know at any given moment the position of our hearts towards whatever He’s asking of us.

Whether it’s forgiving that person which hurt us deeply, not joining in on gossip, or going into that ministry He is calling us to.


Sometimes we just simply put our fingers in our ears and refuse to listen because we are being rebellious little stinkers or we love ourselves and what we are desiring more than Jesus at that moment, let’s just be honest.

It’s funny our thinking is quite erratic.

On one hand we want God to pay attention and constantly watch over us, but, on the other hand, when we disobey Him, we really want Him to take the day off please.

The thing is, He is a good Father that simply wants the best for His kids.

His commands are what keeps us safe and makes us whole. I run in the path of your commands, for you have set my heart free. Psalm 119:32 What good Father is going to be a floating fairy and just let us do whatever and whenever we want?

That is not good parenting peeps.

I’m not saying we need to have a shame based, guilt ridden fear of the Lord, but we do need to have hearts positioned towards pleasing Him.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t have this on my own, I have to ask Him for this.

How is your heart positioned towards obedience today? Ask the Lord to show you.

I love what Cody’s older brother Gabe said as well, “The thing is with God, no matter how much you’ve shut Him out, all it takes is one second talking to Him and He’s right there.”

Wherever you are today if you are feeling cold and distant– grab your blanket friends, wrap yourself up in Him and listen to whatever He’s asking of you.

He’s a good Father and we can trust Him.

I promise not only will He give you life and peace, you will find no greater comfort than His loving arms.












About justthewritegift@comcast.net

2 comments on “When We Refuse to Listen to God

    • Thank you Christy! I’ve had to learn the hard way sometimes about obedience. 😉 Blessings to you sister!

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