I was dreading going into the Weight Watchers meeting.
I love the Weight Watchers program, but I hate getting on the scale. Plus, I haven’t had the greatest luck with finding a good leader and I was really hoping to find some encouragement for this journey.
As soon as I walked in I was greeted by a warm face and sweet smile.
The leader’s name was Glenda. I was struck by how quickly my dread turned into delight by being in this woman’s presence.
She was so kind, looking each of us in the eyes when she spoke and remembering our names. She was motivating, wise, and transparent about her weight loss journey and in doing so, made us feel not alone.
When I walked out of the meeting, I felt lighter, motivated, challenged and focused. I was amazed at how much my feelings changed in a span of 30 minutes.
I couldn’t believe the value this woman added to my life in that short time.
Fast forward four weeks, to me missing my meeting last week due to being sick, and me walking into the meeting today feeling quite blah.
I walk in and there is Glenda. Smiling and welcoming me to the meeting with a, “So good to have you back! We missed you!”
Once again I was struck by how I left the meeting feeling, lighter, motivated, challenged and focused.
So this has me realizing two things:
The hard, challenging things we cannot do alone. We need accountability and people who can come along side of us and cheer us on. God really did make us to need each other.
And the other thing is, I want to be a Glenda. How about you?
I heard John Maxwell speak a few weeks about leadership. He said whether it is a crowd of 3, or 300, he is always asking his self, “How can I add value to these people?“
There’s a scripture which says, “whoever refreshes others will be refreshed. Proverbs 11:25
No matter where were at or whom we’re with, we can add value and worth to others by bringing the joy of the Lord with us.
We can choose to encourage instead of complain.
We can choose to look others in the eyes rather than stare at our phones.
We can choose to be genuinely interested in others, rather than talk about ourselves.
We can choose to compliment instead of compare.
Is there someone in your life you could add value to today?
Someone who maybe inspires you and you’ve never told them? Or someone who could use some encouragement going through a hard season?
Or do you have some Glenda’s in your life? Please comment below, we’d love to hear about your people. 🙂 Also, share this post with them and thank them for being a person which fills your heart with joy by simply being in their presence.
{image source: canstockphoto.com}