The other day I was laying in bed and telling Jesus how much I missed our relationship from a few years ago.
I was trying to figure out what went wrong, why I didn’t feel as close and connected.
And then I saw myself before my iPhone and social media and blogging.
(Now, don’t get me wrong these are good things and fun things, but for me very distracting things).
I saw myself years earlier, reading tons of books. Praying with no distractions of my phone going off, writing more, and resting more in Him.
I saw a lady who was full.
And right now I see a lady who checks her social media way too much, posts way too much and craves man’s approval to fill her way too much.
A lady who is longing for the Bread of Life and keeps settling for stale bread.
There’s a scripture about the Israelite’s that I have always found funny when I read it.
It was when they were trading in God for silly idols. It says: They traded in the glory of God for a statue of a grass eating bull. Psalm 106:20.
Guys, I just need be honest here, I trade in God for grass eating bulls. They may not like look bulls, but it’s bull none the less.
You get what I’m sayin’?
So, when I told Jesus the other day I missed Him, this is what I felt He was saying back to me:
“I miss you too! Come away with me.”
So friends, I am taking a break from social media and blogging for the next few weeks to sit with my best friend and reconnect with Him.
I’m taking time to pray and read and write and hear from my Savior. To put my First Love, first again.
I’ll miss you all and I love you all.
Blessings to each and every one of you.
So true Holly. Travis and I were just talking about this. We were doing the same thing. So we’ve changed a few things around our household to reconnect. Right on point sister. It’s so weird how your blogs are on point with life and keep it real people. Put down the device and get some Jesus. He’s still there. Love you sister
Aw thank you sister!!! I think many of us are feeling this way. He is the Truth, The Life and The Way. xoxo
This actually made me cry because it’s so true.
Thanks Holly.
Love you Kelly!!!