I woke up the other day, poured the coffee and told God, again, “I can’t make a decision. Gonna need your help here, because this is looking pretty grim.”
Then, later I decide for the hundredth time, THAT’S IT! I’m just not voting! Then I change my mind AGAIN, feeling guilty for not voting, because that’s my duty as an American right?
I must confess to you, I do not talk much about politics because there’s so much I. do. not. know about politics.
Some of you reading this, I have enjoyed reading your comments on social media regarding the election. Some of you crack me up to no end, challenge me, and many of you have inspired me by your passion and heart for our country. SO THANK YOU.
So, with that being said, here is just my two cents, and what I do know, I want to give to my country besides my vote on November 8th:
I know- I have been very apathetic regarding our country at times and I repent over that. I need to pray more for my country and our leaders and I have not done that nearly like I should have.
I know- I need to continue to learn–being proactive in educating and keeping myself informed about what’s going on. (And not just believing what someone else says or because CNN or Fox News reported it).
I know- There is a lot of opinions flying all over the place and many times, I am quick to give my opinion or react. I need to be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to post anything on social media, oops, I mean slow to become angry. 😉
I know- the Constitution begins as, “We the people”. Not you, or them, but WE. So when someone doesn’t have the same views as me, I do not have to react out of fear or become angry and try to force my view on someone. LOVE never demands its own way, LOVE always seeks to understand.
I know-I want to be the person who welcomes many people to my table, not just people who think like me or agree with me. (BORING!) Jesus would totally be hanging out with a smorgasborg of people if He was walking on this earth.
I know- Andy Stanley (watch here) was totally right and can we seriously quit scaring our children with our gloom and doom.
I know- I want to have faith when things are complex and confusing like it has been this last year. I want to trust that God is the King of the world and it will never be a president, nor, a man or woman, that will save us or rescue us. And that whomever gets elected, God can use anyone to accomplish His purposes.
I know- I still don’t know who I am voting for and I may just pull the covers over my head and lay in bed that day. (I’m just kiddin’ put the stones down people! ;))
I know- that no matter who wins on November 8th God has this. He is the God of infinite wisdom so we can breathe.The sky is not falling. Yet. 😉
Let’s pray for our country and each other friends. We will get a lot more accomplished on our knees than on our social media feeds.
For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power. 1 Corinthians 4:20
Love each of you so much, Holly xoxo
imagesource: {canstockphoto.com}
A to the Men! I am so tired of hearing about this election and everyone posting it over and over again trying to shove it down our throats who they want us to vote for! No matter who is elected, God has this and people need to start having faith in that. Thank you for writing this and encouraging people to get on their knees instead of posting on their social media feed.
Thank you mom. xoxo
WOW!! Just explained exactly how I feel! There is so much love when two people of different opinions have a two way conversation. Not that we need to change our views but the love is truly in the listening! I see nothing wrong with sharing facts with people but when it is done in a hateful way red flags go up on my heart and I shut down, I think many people do the same. Thank you Holly! I too need to pray more and lift our leaders up. No one is a lost cause with God<3
Sweet Mary, Thanks so much for reading and I think we are all feeling a lot of the same things!Trying to learn to love and LISTEN more. Thank you for coming by my friend. xoxo