10 Things To Tell Our Teenage Sons

My husband and I have two teenage boys. We’ve been talking about important things with them and will continue to. Because here’s the thing, our world is not deficient of rock stars or star athletes, but it could use some more rock solid men.

football quote

1. Making the starting line up does not make you a man- Nor does being the strongest, fastest, or being the dude with the best six-pack on instagram. Being a man is not about raising yourself high above the rest, but bending low enough to wash another’s feet. Real men don’t build their own kingdom and egos, they are builders of hearts, lives, and relationships.

2. Inside scoop on girls- Girls like confidence and are not attracted to clingy, super-nice guy, wimps. People say “bad guys” get the girl and “nice guys” finish last, but the truth is a bad guy won’t keep a girl and neither will a clingy guy. True confidence comes from Christ.

3. Do not go to a female to get your validation-A woman cannot tell you who you are, fill the void inside of you, or teach you how to be a man. This only comes from God, your earthly Father or men who know their identity in Christ. Put God first and seek out Godly men like your life depends on it, because it does, (your spiritual life that is).

4. Beware of the trap of a woman’s beauty-You think Adam bit the apple because Eve was ugly? Men do crazy stupid things simply because a woman’s beautiful. It’s normal to want to look at beautiful women, God made you visual. But, be alert, the enemy uses a woman’s beauty to ensnare men into sexual sin. Millions of marriages and lives are shattered daily by pornography and infidelity.

5. Decide now on the husband and father you want to be- Our culture teaches you to plan for college, career and life goals, but not how to pray and plan on the spouse and parent you want to be. These will be the two most important roles in your life. Cover them in prayer.

6. Choose your friends wisely- A wise man is cautious in friendship. (Proverbs 12:26) Your friends have the ability to sharpen your relationship with God or dull it.

7. Don’t hide behind a screen- Put down your phone and the video games, ask questions. Look others in the eye. Care about people and show an interest in them. Learn how to talk to people.

8. Stand Up and Step Out- Do things that make you afraid. Be teachable. Speak up when everyone else is silent, serve while others sit. Be kind. Notice the person in the room that no one sees.

9. Know your identity in Christ- You are going to chase a lot of things in this life. Your identity, a career, a wife, a dream, your purpose. Work hard, don’t be lazy, set goals and achieve them, but do not forfeit your soul to gain the whole world. (Matthew 16:26) Knowing who you are in Christ is the only guarantee in your life that will never change.

10. Real men- say I’m sorry, open doors and pull out chairs. Aren’t afraid to cry, work hard, pray hard, love hard.  Own their weaknesses and confront their demons. Worship God, pick up crosses and die daily. Real men don’t build their own kingdoms and egos, they are builders of hearts, lives and relationships.

Real Men quote

{Image Source: Canstockphoto.com}

About justthewritegift@comcast.net

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