Every time I drive by a cemetery and see headstones everywhere, I have these two questions that pop in my brain. 1. Did they know you Lord? and 2. Did they fullfill your dreams for them and what you put them here to do? I know you don’t want to think about death or dying […]
A Letter to The Church On Addiction: It’s Time We Wake Up
My phone rang and it was my father asking if I would meet him at his pastor friend’s church. He was taking a young man there dying from heroin addiction. He asked me to come and pray with them. I drove right over and as soon as I entered the pastor’s office I noticed the […]
I’ve Had Enough Lord!
I go searching, hoping that the word pity party is somewhere in the bible. I want to know who had them and why so I can join them. I want to sit with Elijah under the broom tree, call all my friends going through tough stuff and have a big, fat wallowing party. Elijah was […]
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