I am mother of two teenage boys, a youth leader, and just flat-out love kids. But, I’ve realized something needs to change. We need to stop feeding the greed monster within our children. It is robbing them of two vital things: Gratitude and contentment. When we do devotionals as a family I will ask my […]
When Life Feels Unbearable and You Forget the Goodness of God
She was our stepmother’s grandmother, but she became “Gamaw” to all of us. We moved her here from Kentucky a few years back when she became to fragile to live alone. She loved Jesus Christ with every fiber of her being. (my dad came in a close second). 😉 There was something that she […]
Are You In Need of a Soul Vacation? {psst…come away with me and a book give away}
I can’t be the only one in desperate need of a soul vacation. Here are some clues you are in need of rest in your spirit and soul: Striving, going nonstop and getting nowhere but frustrated Fear and anxiety are taking over your heart and mind from life’s circumstances Your anxiety is causing you to take […]
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