I kept scrolling and scrolling and staring at my phone screen for hours. I looked at friends facebook pages and pictures, watched funny videos, then tried to write compelling words which did nothing but fall flat. What is my deal I kept asking myself? As I closed my laptop and laid my head on […]
Why We Can Stop Trying to Measure Up
I stumble out of bed with a raging headache and my mind immediately starts bossing me around with all the things I need to get done. My mind darts between the mundane of what I need to set out for dinner (for the diet I’ve started twenty times already this month) to all the big […]
Why I Stopped Wishing for My Kids to Be The Best
Dear Boys, I use to wish for you to be the cutest, smartest, and most popular athletes, and of course at the top of your class. And it’s not that those things are bad, but my reasoning behind them was a tad skewed. Because I thought if you were the best at everything that meant […]
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