I stared at the screen and the cursor glaring back at me. I hit publish, put my head down, and prayed that some sweet soul besides my mother would read my blog. I looked up hitting refresh every two minutes hoping to see at least one comment. Nope. Crickets. What in the world was I […]
Lessons From the Bench {what failure and waiting can teach us}
He sat on the edge of the chair and I knew he needed to talk. An amazing young man in our lives and one of our oldest son’s best friends. He’s played basketball his whole life and at the top of his game until this year. With his head down and shoulders slumped, he talked […]
When You’re Too Much and Not Enough (Exciting News! I AM released today by Michele Cushatt!)
I was in my late teens and I had spent the weekend with a new friend. We had a fabulous time and I loved getting to know her parents, that’s why when she said these words to me they cut deeply: “My mom said she really liked you, but you were a little loud […]
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