Circumcise your hearts, therefore, and do not be stiff-necked any longer. Deuteronomy 10:16 So the other day as I’m writing, the word stiff-necked comes to my mind. It means to be stubborn. Like a mule. Eh em. You could say after I have now properly learned the true meaning of this word, I’ve come […]
When We Cover Up Our Brokenness (Taking Our Masks Off–Finding Healing and Acceptance)
So, yeah I made a $300 mistake yesterday. I was talking on the phone with my sister and trying to drive and back out of a driveway, (which is something someone with A.D.D. does not need to do). Anyhow I didn’t see the pretty decorative, iron wheel in the ladies driveway, backed right into it […]
The Healing We Are Searching For (when desperation is a beautiful gift)
I sat with tears spilling off my cheeks and cried out to my husband, “Why does He always make me listen! I don’t want to it’s soooo hard!” I was venting my anger to my husband about issues I was having in my heart, mind and life and God was challenging me to take the […]
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