She picks up the phone and I’m squealing. I had just published my first article and I couldn’t wait to tell my sister Tina. If we would have been able to do cartwheels while holding our phones we would have. That’s the cool thing with sisters, when you get good news they will jump up […]
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Letting Others Carry You
Dad lost his battle with cancer a few months ago. My heart and mind are still processing it all as I piece together all the beauty in the middle of the grief. There were some great lessons I learned from my father during his two-year battle. As Christians we frequently talk about helping one other carry […]
#LessonsfromLandi- The Gift of Your Presence
Today our Queen turned 92. She has lived a beautiful life and taught us so many lessons by her example. I wanted to start sharing some of the wisdom and lessons I’ve gleaned from her over the last nine years. Today, I’m sharing one of the greatest things we can give others in our friendships. […]
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