Insecurities can you go now please?


It was Easter morning and I could hardly wait!

To go to church and celebrate!

My Lord had risen and I was elated,

But, then my mood somehow got jaded.

As I searched through our pants through every pair,

The only thing for us was jeans to wear.

I could have shopped but funds were low,

And I got so upset I began to blow.

I yelled, threw a fit, and caused a scene,

We could not go to church on Easter in Jeans!

My husband tried to help but I bit off his head,

And laid down pulling the covers over my head!

Then the Lord spoke to me saying He didn’t care,

If I had anything fancy or nice to wear.

He told me to go and just wear a smile,

So, I agreed to go dreading it all the while.

The whole way to church I boiled inside,

With my pride and insecurities piled high.

I imagined the other’s in their “Easter Bests”,

As I continued to worry, freak out and fret.

My husband was so calm he didn’t give a care,

And that made me madder the whole drive there.

We arrived at church and there for me to see,

Was many of our friends and their kids in jeans.

Including our Pastor, who would have guessed???

That in God’s eyes there are NO EASTER BESTS!

As I sat there feeling once inch tall,

Feeling stupid, shameful, silly and small.

I asked “Insecurities can you go now please?”

And that question did not set my heart at ease.

Instead I asked, “Jesus can you show me who I am in you?”

And He did and continues to make me new.

I may not have a fancy outfit but he’s giving me a new heart,

And he’s healing me bit by bit & part by part.

With His truth and love which is the best healing salve,

And better than any new outfit this girl could ever have.

2010- By Holly Noel

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