We judge, we condemn, we gossip, we hate.

We want our enemy’s punished with no further wait.

We see other’s flaws and speck’s in their eyes,

As we sit here with frailties and logs in our eyes.

We decide “they” need to work on this and that,

And who’s crazy in our book or way too fat.

We scoff in disdain at those who appear a mess,

As we drown in pride and self-righteousness.

We point our fingers and we spout our opinions,

As the devil watches and laughs with his dominion.

What does Christ see when He sees us and others?

Does He not have the right to judge like no other?

Does He condemn? Does He pound His gavel?

Does He shake His head as our lives unravel?

He does not gossip, condemn or hate.

He does not repay evil, He patiently waits.

He sees our hearts, why we do what we do.

He sees our pain and what we’ve been through.

He sees our brokenness, THROUGH LOVE and GRACE,

And does not scoff at us with disdain or distaste.

He does not gossip, He prays, cry’s and intercedes,

For our wholeness, healing and victory.

So why do we judge? Why do we hate?

Can we not intercede for others and patiently wait?

Shall we ask God to show us others through His eyes?

Too see God’s image in them and not the enemy’s lies?

Can we ask for new hearts? Full of MERCY, GRACE AND LOVE?

I bet Heaven will answer and smile from above.

No more judging, no more pointing fingers,

No more staring or letting our minds linger.

In the same measure we judge we will be judged-so do good!

May we see with NEW EYES, His eyes, just as we should!

2010- By Holly Noel

Dear Friends,

I write this from a place of conviction. Because I have judged too many times and still do. I have gossiped and still do. I have pointed fingers that were pointing right back at me. I have wanted evil repaid and still find myself hopelessly at times drowning is self-righteousness.

But, I’m asking God today for a new heart and will continue to. Will you join me? Because the truth of the matter is-we’re all messed up. We all need each other. And we all need to ask God for a new set of eyes and to see each other through His eyes and not our own.

May we stop judging. Admit our weaknesses, forgive, help, and LOVE each other. Just as Christ does us. Love every one of you.

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