We live in an age where you at anytime can acquire knowledge with the tap of your finger.
You have access to more dictionaries and encyclopedias in one day than our ancestors ever had in their lifetime.
The world looks at you, with your head down, and sees that you are always reading.
If we were to add up how many things you scroll through, comments you read, like’s you click, things you retweet, I think we would all be astounded at how much you read.
But most of you, would say, “I’m just not a reader.”
Dear student, could we really count or add up the new information that you are taking in daily in this fast speed, quick upload, era?
But my question to you today is… are you learning?
Are you learning that you can go to school your whole life, learn about Shakespeare, How to Kill a Mockingbird, and how to formulate the craziest math problems known to man, and graduate realizing one thing:
They could not teach you how to be teachable.
That is not something man, a school or any institution can teach you.
That must come from within.
To be teachable you must be hungry for answers. Emptied of yourself and ready to learn.
The smartest people on our planet acquired wisdom not because they were brilliant per say, but because they were brave. They were brave enough to ask questions and learn from anyone and everyone they could.
And most of all they were brave enough to ask God to shine His light on areas of weakness that could hinder them in their goals and their purpose for this earth.
Not only were they brave, they learned to listen.
To be still, to get quiet, they learned to shut. up.
Our ancestors that paved the way for us, that showed us how to abolish slavery, how to fight for our freedom, how to fail at making a light bulb one thousand times, had one thing in common:
They were teachable.
If something didn’t work, they figured how to make it work.
If something had never been done, they learned to do it themselves, if something failed they learned what went wrong, and they tried again and again and again. And one of the greatest things they learned was how to stay focused and free from distractions.
They each had to learn the things in their lives that could or would distract them from their ultimate goal.
Dear Student, are you learning what distracts you? Are you learning to be quiet enough to listen?
Are you learning that if you don’t become teachable, and learn what could be distracting you, and if you don’t get quiet enough to listen, then you could miss the very thing that your Creator has put you on this earth to do?
Would you be willing to learn a prayer that could be the starting point of all starting points on your journey of growth?
Teach me Lord,
Show me Lord,
Help me to open my eyes and my ears
And apply my heart to your wisdom.
Dear Student, are. you. learning?