Who Has Lifted You Up? {a thank you to all who have helped us heal)

I was reading in Acts 3 today about a lame man who had been crippled his whole life.

The story starts with Peter and John going about their business and there is a lame man begging for money. Peter stops what he is doing and tells the man to look at them and says this: “Silver and gold I do not have but what I do have I give you.”

It says then Peter took him by the right hand and lifted him up and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength.

Peter by his faith, ignited faith into this man. Powerful.

I’m thinking today about the people in my life when I have been crippled and begging for help who grabbed me by the hand and lifted me up.

Who took the time out of their busy lives, to stop, look me in the eyes, and give me what they had. And ignite my faith when mine was shattered.

I bet you have people like this in your life. Who are they?

Who has God used to come along side you when you were broken and breathe life into your weary bones? To offer you their hope? Their strength?

So many times in this life we go through our days and ask God for help and wonder why He isn’t helping, but when we stop and take notice, we realize He has been helping all along. At just the right time He sent someone to be His hands and feet.

To say something our soul was desperate to hear.

 Bring a meal or a gift.

 Sit with us when there were no words and weep with us.

Who has He used in your life to be His hands and feet?

When I sit and really think about ALL the people He has sent at different times, I’m amazed. Baffled really. I never want to take this for granted.

Today share this blog with some “helpers” and “lifters” in your life and tell them thank you.

And may we all be challenged every day to be stoppers.


People known for lifting others up and igniting their faith.

And like the lame man in the story, may they get up, leap for joy, and praise God knowing that He still heals and performs miracles every day.

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