I was reading in Matthew 3 and John 15 where Jesus is talking about the vine and the branches. Jesus say He is the vine, God is the gardener and we are the branches. He says in John 15:8- This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.
It also goes on to say when we as christians claim to love Jesus but, don’t bear fruit or live productive lives for Christ we will be cut down. I don’t know about you but I want to be a tree bearing fruit for Jesus and not a stump that is stagnant and dead in my faith and walk with Him!
When we let God have His way in our l ives and prune and change us we will bear fruit and it will be evidence to all that Christ is real and truly does change lives. My dear friend Judy Fox Rocks just gave her testimony at a Ladies Breakfast and I told her when she was done when I looked at her and heard her story, I saw a HUGE, GIANT, fruit tree and it truly was a display of God’s Splendor in her life.
Isaiah 61:3
They will be called oaks of righteousness,
a planting of the Lord
for the display of His splendor.
So may we let God mold us friends. Let’s get active in our walk with Him. May we quit talking about how much we love Jesus and show it with our walk and not our talk! And I guarantee we will bear fruit. And all praise, honor and glory will go to Him! Love you all dear FRUITY FRIENDS! 🙂