There once was a little girl
who never felt good enough.
She tried so very hard.
She tried with her peers to say
all the right things.
But, still at times they teased her
And did not make her feel
And she felt very sad.
The little girl grew into a
She made sure to buy all
The right clothes.
Wear all the right makeup,
say and do all the right things.
But, still she felt very sad.
So, she tried harder.
She grew into a woman and
got married.
She tried to be a good wife.
She cooked, cleaned,
Trying to make herself and her
home look nice.
She tried so hard, hoping her
husband would tell her
how wonderful and special
she was.
At times he tried but his words
just did not seem to help.
She still felt very sad.
So, the striving and trying continued.
And the wife still felt
like the little girl and
wondered if she would
ever feel special,
Or if the sadness would
ever go away.
She stayed really busy.
Her whole life she had
kept herself so busy,
Hoping the world would
notice how hard she was
But not many seemed to notice because
They were so busy trying to do the same.
If someone did give her a kind word
She still felt empty inside.
Then one day she noticed a man
standing in the background.
It seemed she had seen a glimmer of
him at times.
But she had never really paid him
no never mind.
He had tried so many times
to talk to her,
But she was so busy trying to hear
from her peers, she couldn’t hear him.
But the man never gave up on her,
And kept trying.
He even wept.
He cried because of her pain.
He cried because she did not
realize how special she truly was.
He waited.
And waited.
And continued to wait.
He never stopped,
Waiting to heal her broken heart.
Finally the woman that still
had her broken heart
inside- stopped trying.
She was exhausted and
had no energy left.
And finally when she
stopped- she saw him.
And realized who he was.
And that he had been there all along.
She ran into his arms and
And cried.
And cried some more.
The man told her she
Didn’t have to try so hard
To be good enough-
She already was.
She didn’t have to
Wear or say all the right things,
She was beautiful to him.
She didn’t have try to be worthy-
His love for her made her worthy.
She didn’t have to strive for
Because she already had his.
And that was enough.
For the first time in the
woman’s life who had been so sad
and broken inside she felt-
She didn’t feel empty
Or sad anymore.
And every time she starts striving
again to be
Good enough-
She goes and sit’s in
Her daddy’s lap.
Where she finds love.
from her Father.
Her Savior.
And that for her is simply but, amazingly, enough.
Dear Friends,
This is my story in a nutshell. For anyone that cannot believe in a God that cannot see, or questions why we who do believe- believe– this for me is why.
My whole life I strived. I tried to find happiness. In so many people and places. But, there was Only One who could make me feel loved and whole and that was Jesus and still is.
He is the Only One that has been able to fill my insatiable empty cup. He is the Only One that makes my heart calm, when everything around me is crazy. He is the Only One that has been able to heal this broken heart of mine.
What your friends, husband, mother, father or the world cannot do for you beloved- HE CAN.
He made it that way on purpose. Is He the one in your background waiting?
No more striving to be good enough. His love for you dear is simply, but, amazingly, enough.
May you feel His AMAZING LOVE for you today.