The City that I’m Longing For

The last few days I’ve been longing for Heaven. To go be with my Jesus. To see my loved ones. Now don’t be all scared, I’m not wanting to kill myself. Just longing for my real home.

I’m not the only believer that feels this way or has felt this way. In Hebrews 11 it talks about the Heroes of the Faith and it says in 11:13-15 They admitted  they were aliens and strangers on this earth. People who say such things show they are looking for a country of their own. If they had been thinking of the country that they left, they would have had the opportunity to return. Instead, they were longing for a better country-a heavenly one.

As believers if we hold too tightly to the things of this world we need to get a check on that.  When we find ourselves wrapped up in us and our possesions that aren’t even going to last, we need to check in with the Big Man. We should be longing for Heaven, for the day we see Christ face to face. We need to be preparing to meet Him. To stand before Him. A humbling thought eh? It’s more than a thought though. It will happen for each and every one of us.

 That thought challenges me and gives me clarity. It helps me to realize once again, Christ needs to be number one and  to be the center of my life. 

As much as I’m longing for Heaven at times, I’m even more restless to get the word out of the gospel. I want every one  to come to know this man Jesus that has so changed my life and the lives of millions on this earth.  Do you know Him?

 He longs to show you He’s real and has an incredible plan for your life.

I posted on my Facebook a song from Sara Groves called, “Going Home.”

 Love that song. Captures what my heart is saying sometimes, but, can’t quite put it into words.  And makes me realize one day I will finally get to go to that city I’ve longed for and it’s not something to be scared of. It’s not something to dread. It’s what I was created for. To be reunited with the Lover of my Soul, Jesus.

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