25 Ways to Put the Magic Back into Christmas {The Christmas Giving List}

Christmas Giving List for blog

I’m wondering if you feel like me when Faith Hill belts out “Where are you Christmas?” on the radio if you feel led to sing along and ask yourself the same question.

And I’m also wondering if you’ve had the same feeling I’ve had on Christmas morning.

The gifts are open, the paper is on the floor, everyone is smiling, joy is in the air, but yet..something seems to be missing.

You went to Christmas Eve service, donated to local charities, even sang Happy Birthday to Jesus with a cake, AND read the Christmas story out of the bible with your kids or loved ones.

But, yet..

It seems the magic, the true magic of Christmas is gone— no matter how many gifts were purchased and wrapped just so.

I’m looking at my tree right now with 2,000 lights, (my husband keeps adding more each year, God help us a plane is getting ready to land in this sucker) and I’m seeing lights all around me.

Christmas is all over the place, in every store, I mean come on they’re even starting in October now.

And I’m with Cindy Lou Who wondering where in the heck it went.

I think I found my answer tucked away in a couple of scriptures about giving. Paul is talking here to the Corinthians telling them about the Macedonians and using them as an example of sacrificial giving.

Out of their most severe trial, their overflowing joy, their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity. For I testify that they gave as much as they were able, and even beyond their ability. 2 Corinthians 8:1-4

Basically these people were dirt poor. And it goes on to say they pleaded with them to let them give and even counted it as a privilege!

Listen to Jesus’ words about giving:

Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on.”

We know the true magic of Christmas is in the giving.

But, maybe we need to relearn the what we are giving. What if we start to give not just what we are able to, but what is beyond our ability?

And I’m not just talking about monetary giving.

I’m speaking about giving gifts that others are in need of– our love, time, and service. The things which we are even lacking in our own lives. Giving out of our poverty.

  • Maybe you aren’t good with words of affirmation and you are in need of them yourself–you can still give them away to someone in need.
  • Maybe you aren’t good with serving others, but you know you need to learn how.
  • Or you are very busy, but there is someone in your life who needs your time.

So, this year the Haynes family is starting a new tradition. We are not just making a list of our wants, but a list of what we want to give. A Christmas Giving List.

I compiled a list below that you are free to print out for your family. It’s 25 random acts of kindness. Use it as a guide, you may choose to do all of them or just one or two, but get with your family and use your imaginations to come up with your own Christmas Giving List.

I think we are all tired of feeling empty on Christmas along with our wallets. Here’s a thought:

It’s not the pouring out of our wallets on Christmas that fills us, it’s the pouring out of ourselves. Emptying ourselves in order to be filled by Christ– to bless.

Let’s put the magic back in Christmas. And in giving out of our poverty–we will find we are rich.

Christmas giving list pic monkey


*Do not let this list be another thing to “add” to your list of things to do. Pray and choose the things you feel led to do, even if it’s just one! The point is to follow God’s leading in the spirit of giving.











About justthewritegift@comcast.net

4 comments on “25 Ways to Put the Magic Back into Christmas {The Christmas Giving List}

  1. I absolutely love your blogs holly they lift my spirit every time I read them . I have never been a blog reader then I came across yours on my sisters Facebook page I now Cannot wait to read more and look forward for more to come. God bless and happy holidays to you and your family

    • Val- Thanks so much for coming by! 🙂 And your kind words. Blessings to you and your family this Christmas and New Year!

  2. Remarkable Holly!! Touched my heart so deeply. Thank you again for being our Saviours messanger. You are absolutely wonderful! Blessings to your family this Christmas.

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