A Christmas Poem: A Tribute to Mrs. Claus (let’s give credit where it is due! )



There’s something that I’ve realized that has me quite perturbed,
Actually as I ponder, it makes me quite disturbed.
Why all the fuss about Santa? What about his lovely wife??
Without her Santa could & would not have such a great life!
Who works so hard cooking meals for that big, giant, belly?
To make sure it shakes just right, like a bowl full of jelly!
Who gives him counsel when he sees that naughty list?
And if Santa shakes his head, second chances she insists!
Who keeps the North Pole running like a fine tuned machine?
As Santa delivers gifts to those sleepy kids that dream.
Of course Mrs. Claus! She does much more than you know!
She is quite the busy lady, why she even shovels snow!
Who helps pack the sleigh? Who feeds all the reindeer?
Who makes sure Santa is happy and always full of cheer?
Well of course Mrs. Claus in case you haven’t guessed,
She turns chaos into order when the North Pole is a mess!
But the greatest thing about her I simply must impart,
It’s not just all she does; it’s her GREAT, GINORMOUS heart.
Who held Rudolph when he cried from being teased?
And told Santa “Let him guide you on this Christmas Eve.”
Who raves on the Elves toys and tells them they make the best,
And tells Santa when they need a raise or a much needed rest.
Whose eyes always sparkle, and who takes time to care,
For her beautiful, red dress and that crown of lovely hair.
Mrs. Claus is this lady and so it rightly seems,
We must not forget– that her and Santa are a team!
So no more just a fuss over Mr. Claus,
And if you make the nice list think of her and pause.
Don’t forget to thank her or you may just get some coal,
And I bet she will hear you, all the way from the North Pole!

© 2009 Holly Noel

This was written a few years back and it’s still one of my favorites. 🙂 Read it to your children and grandchildren and watch their eyes light up. Enjoy. ( For those of you inquiring, yes I still write poetry but, I am no longer doing Just the Write Gift. Some of my poems are on my Just the Write Gift facebook page to read).

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About justthewritegift@comcast.net

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