I love listening to her stories and to hear her talk; about her Mother especially.
Her eyes light up like the fourth of July and she has such warmth in her heart and voice when she speaks of her Mother. She’ll tell me stories about how if any kids or bullies messed with her or her siblings- Mama would come up over that Hill.
And the kids KNEW to run when she did.
I laugh like a maniac every time she tells me the story just picturing a mad, southern woman coming up over that hill! I can just see in my mind the steam rolling out of her ears, the determination in her step and a big, wooden spoon in hand!
I have southern blood coursing through my veins, so I happen to know this image oh to well. Usually though it’s not me in a heroic sense, it’s me going after my crazy boys. 😉
As I laugh my head off, Gypsy just continues on to say with her poignant southern drawl, “I’m serious honey, my Mama didn’t mess around when it came to her children.”
Why am I telling you this story?
To encourage you and me to be Mama’s willing to come up over the hill for our kids.
Not in a mean, aggressive, way. But, a godly way.
To be Mama’s, willing to fight for our children.
Whether it’s a bully or kid down the street or a school teacher that we need to have a talk with because there may be miscommunication going on.
There’s going to be times in our children’s lives when we have to be their voice. And it can be uncomfortable for us and scary at times.
But, GOD will help us through it and He will give us the strength to do it. He made us to not only nurture and love our children- but, to protect them and be their greatest advocates.
Whether you are a Mama, Grandma, Aunt, or a guardian or role model in some child’s life, who’s to say that God did not place you in that child’s life for such a time as this to be that lady willing to fight for them?
May we press on ladies.
And one day our children may speak of us with a glimmer in their eyes. And they may just share how their Mama’s were willing to go that extra mile for them and even go up a hill or two. 😉
Amen sister! I had to step out of that boat, and I was SHAKING when I had to. It was scary, but God blessed it, and now everything is great at school! Well, I stepped out with a little encouragment from an ole friend!! 😉 love u!