Happiness overrated and JOY understated!

I’ve been on Facebook way too much. I’ve only nibbled in the word of God lately. I’ve fed my flesh way too much food and junk spiritually.

 Bottomline: I’ve been looking for happiness instead of JOY.

Happiness is temporary folks. We look it for it the NOW stuff. The everyday things that we think will give us a fix and give us joy. We like things that can temporarily satisfy or fill our “wanters”.

 And we try to fill our” wanters” with people, places and things. And when those people, places and things disappoint and fail to provide we are m.i.s.e.r.a.b.l.e.!

Happiness is something the world seeks. It’s the quest of many. “I just want to be happy” is the echo of most.

 I have found myself saying that very thing TOO MANY times to count. But, happiness is fleeting.

So what is our solution? JOY.

 Some of you may say well isn’t that the same thing? If you look up the words in the dictionary they do seem quite similar in meaning, but, in a spiritual sense in fact they are not.

In Nehemiah 8:10 it says the Joy of the Lord is my strength.

The pursuit of Happiness is trying to please and pursue ourselves and our desires.

 Joy is found in pleasing and pursuing the Lord and His desires for us.

 Pursuing Happiness is self-centered.

 Pursuing Joy is God-centered.  One thing I know for sure friends is when we are self-centered and pursuing us- we are messes and nothing works out!

 But, God promises in His word in Matthew 6:33-But, seek His kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. I don’t know what “All” means. But, I do know it is good. Because our God is good beloved.

 The world will never fill these dry, empty bones of mine. But, only Jesus can do that.

 Happiness will not get me through in tragedy or comfort me in my despair, but the Joy, Peace and Contentment that comes from God will.

Seek Him friends. And I promise you will find Him. He promises us so. Love you all.

Psalm 37:4- Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.

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