The Comparison Trap

I don’t know when I started comparing myself to others. It was a long time ago. I could go into the gory details of it all, but, the truth of the matter is, God wants me to stop. It’s not healthy, it makes your soul sick, and it’s just ungrateful to a God that made us so unique and complex. It’s like saying to Him, “sorry you didn’t do good enough.” God gave us all our looks, personality, so many cool things–and  yet, we as women especially, want to look in a mirror and base everything off of that.

3 weeks ago I was standing in front of the mirror getting ready for work and starting to mentally bash myself and all of a sudden the Holy Spirit just said, “Stop.” He convicted me and set me straight. It was like He was saying, “Look I’ve heard you doing this for years and I’ve had enough!” And guess what? So had I. Since then He’s been showing me some things, and I hope to continue to write about them as I learn. Here is just a letter I felt He gave to me the other day, for my heart that desperately needs healing on the Comparison Trap. If you struggle in this area, I pray it speaks to you as well.

You are my Materpiece, my workmanship, yet you compare yourself to others?

 I am the Creator of the Universe and I know the number of every hair on your head, yet you find yourself not good enough?

You keep striving for perfection in order to be loved, when you are already perfectly loved.

You are enough. Not because of what you do, or what you have, but because I made you and adore you. Period. end of story.

Be the YOU I created YOU to be not who I made someone else to be.

Take care of your body, I gave it to you.  But, don’t worship it. Don’t think about it and how to make it more beautiful more than you think about me. That is idolatry. And it will only make your soul sick.

I made you special. You have gifts, talents, and abilities that NO ONE on this earth has but, you. That is the truth.

No one has your voice, Your hair, Your eyes, Your sense of humor, your laugh, your smile,  your insight, your quirks, all the things that make you, YOU and beautiful. Stop comparing. Appreciate what I have given to you. Be grateful and thankful for all the unique things about yourself I have given you.

Stop wishing you were someone else.  The “someone else’s” do the same thing, no matter who they are, how great they are, how beautiful they are. You are you for a reason. I put you on this earth for a specific purpose.

You have a voice that needs to be heard from someone that I meant to hear it.

 You have a story that needs to be told to someone at the exact moment I orchestrated it.

 You have a smile that is desperately needed for someone that is desperate for hope.

You have arms that I gave to hug someone that is in need of affection more than you can imagine.

 You have laughter that needs to be heard from someone that hasn’t laughed in years.

And you compare yourself to others?? Your life has value and significance. Believe it!

Be the best YOU, you can be. Not a carbon copy, not a half you, not a wish you weren’t you, you, not a dreaming of being someone else you, not a fake you, not a covered in ideals of the perfect person you, not a half alive you.

Be the YOU I meant you to be.

 Full of life,

 Full of love,

 Full of hope,

 Full of laughter,

Full of authenticity,

 Full of grace,

 Full of joy,

 Full of mercy,

 Full of kindness,

These are the things that I made to last in you. To grow in you. And you will bring these things with you when you meet me someday.

Not your fancy hair do, not your hard earned tan, not your perfectly presented self you present to the world. The Real You. The Beautiful, Fabulous You that I made you to be. Now go out there and be HER or HIM. Not the one you are dreaming of being. And STOP comparing yourself to others and start appreciating what you have and what I have given to you and use it all for my glory.

Because you are glorious just the way I made you.

Love Always,

Your Abba Daddy

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