The One God Has For You

So, I spoke at our Youth Group a few weeks ago. One of the questions asked was how do you know when you’ve met the one God has for you? The million dollar question right? Wish I knew some easy, pat answer or had a magic formula to this question.

 I prayed and this what I felt the Lord gave me. I pray it helps you not settle, encourages you to wait for the one He has picked and motivates you to grow in Him until you do find “The One”. Be blessed.



  • The person God has for you, we know first and foremost is going to be a person that grows you in the Lord. Adds to your life in Christ and does not subtract from it.


  • They will not try to take anything from you that is not theirs to take. And if they do get weak and try, and you correct them, they will ask for your forgiveness and God’s.


  • The person God has for you even if they are a believer they are not going to be perfect. They are going to hurt you, disappoint you, and tick you off.


  • The one that God has for you is going to challenge you. Not just because they are human and difficult though that too, but, because they are not going to put up with your crap.( my dad  has a saying when you love someone you are not going to co-sign their stupidity.) They are going to tell you when you are wrong and sometimes not in a very nice way. They are human. But, it’s going to sharpen you.


  • The person that God has for you is going to bring you joy. Not happiness– joy. Happiness comes from circumstances, joy comes from the Lord and they are going to celebrate with you the good, bad and they ugly knowing God is going to get you through. They are going to make you laugh. And they are going to make fun of you at times. We don’t need anyone that takes us too serious..;)


  • The guy or girl that God has for you is going to be your friend. And I’m not talking about the friend that loves you because of what you can do for them, but, I’m talking the kind of friend that weathers life with you even when they see your worst and most ugly parts of yourself that you wish no one saw. And they love you anyway. Because they see what Jesus made you to be. And Who He made you to be. They believe the best about yourself even when you don’t.


  • The person that God has for you is going to show you the heart of God. They are going to teach you what unconditional love and forgiveness looks like because you both are going to have to give it to one another in exuberant amounts over and over again.



  • The person God has for you is going to bring you closer to the heart of God. And you are going to know it’s the one He chose for you by peace in your heart and life, the joy of the Lord that is present, and they are going to inspire you to run hard after God and they will come along side of you and join you in the race.


Because you see, this life is not about us. Neither really is our relationships. Our relationships no matter who, whether it is your mother, father, friend, boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife, sister, brother, etc. every single relationship that God gives to us is always for this one purpose alone: To bring us closer to Him. And the one that God has for you, is going to do exactly that.


2 comments on “The One God Has For You

  1. I read this before but now it really hits me personally. Thank you for your encouragement. You have been blessed with a gift for sure. I shared it and tagged all Jakes Young Life friends.
    Love you!

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