The Parent Christmas List: What We Want This Year



Parent Christmas List editedToday I had an awakening.

We as parents are always asking our kids for their list. Heck, half the time I have to beg mine for a list, but then it dawned on me, let’s give them one of our own. Share this with your kiddos and feel free to add to it.

1. Please stop fighting. Really. Just one day of peace and you not acting like you despise each other’s very existence. No name calling, eye rolling, or hearing, “MOM! Look at what he did or said!”

2. Can you shoot that thing and hit the mark? You both love b.b. guns and shooting, can you apply this talent to the toilet bowl? You have no idea the gift this would be to me.

3. Take the trash out. When you see the trash literally heaping over the can and your water bottle doing a balancing act off the mounted paper plates ( you didn’t bother to stuff down), this is your cue. This does not require you being an adult or having a special skill. We aren’t asking you to part the red sea here, just a little effort. 😉

4. When we ask you how your day went, please don’t just say “good.” I know we annoy the crap out of you, (our parents annoyed the crap out of us too), and you are tired from school and not in the mood to chat, but once in a while could you give us a little bit of info? Tell us something cool that happened or how your teacher got on your nerves, something other than “good.”

5. Wipe the crumbs off the table after you eat. This would be glorious.

6. Come out of your room. Could you grace us with your holy presence once in a while? Like actually act like you want to see us and hang out with us? I know you are at the age where it’s not cool to hang with your parents, and we may faint from your appearing,  😉 but we would be overjoyed because we love spending time with you.

7. Lift up your head from your phone or gadget and be present. We get one chance to show up in this life. Give the gift of your eyes, ears and undivided attention. This is the greatest gift we can give to others, especially in today’s world.

8. Let us catch you blessing others. Whether it’s a kind word, a thoughtful gift, go out of your way for others this Christmas. And do it for the people in your life that would least expect it and need it the most.

9. Be grateful for what you get this year. Period. Just because you want something, doesn’t mean you should have it or it will be good for you. And yes, your friends are going to get things you didn’t and you may get jealous and it could possibly ruin your day, if you choose to let it. What we’ve learned as your parents is spoiling you really does not benefit you. Yes, it gives us temporary satisfaction to see you open a gift you wanted, but teaching you to wait for things, appreciate things and earn things, and not giving you everything, is a way better gift, which will last your lifetime. You are doing an eye roll right now and don’t get it and that’s okay because someday you will.

10. The gift parents want most of all. We as your parents really don’t ask for much, a simple thank you would go a long way with us. So, to any kiddos reading this: thank your mom and dad for working their tails off for you. Everything in your house, room, drawers, on your bod, in your ears, in your hands, is because they give more than half of their lives and time to provide everything you see and touch on a daily basis. Give your parents some praise, a giant hug and to my boys: buy your dad that t.v. he asked for 😉 )


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