What to Wear and NOT to Wear this Christmas

It was the worst fashion mistake of my life.


I was 9 months pregnant with my second son and my belly was huge. So large, that as people stared, commented and ogled, I became more than a little self-conscious.


I was trying to decide what to wear for a Christmas party and I remember thinking I need to wear a lot of make up and style my hair really big to keep people’s eyes focused upward. (I’m usually not prone to a lot makeup or big hair, ha! that was funny). Anyhow, for some odd reason, I did not realize an over sized, scarlet red shirt probably was not a good idea if I was trying to disguise my ginormous belly.


So, later on that night at a Christmas party, (thinking I’m looking good in my sassy red shirt, Texas hair and Tammy Faye makeup) a family friend walks up to me and says:


“Wow! You look like a BIG… RED Christmas ball!!!”


 Just what I was going for.


Looking back now, I’m thinking why in the world did my husband not stop me from wearing that?!? If you are reading this, you may need to repent for this, I’m just sayin.’


 Some of you may be going to holiday parties and wondering what to wear. (First off, I don’t recommend bright, glowing colors if you are feeling a little fluffy.)


Anyhow, I was thinking if we could clothe ourselves in a few other things this year, we may be able to do more than just tolerate rude comments and people this season, we may actually be able to love them right where they are:


1. Grace- You know the people who are mean, nasty, rude, selfish and hurtful? And every time we are around them we question God’s sovereignty because it feels He is playing a cruel joke for putting them in our inner circle?  What if we made a decision ahead of time, before our gatherings, that we are going to ask God to help us see what is lovely, true, right and admirable about that person? (Philippians 4:8) (yes, they have good in them and the Lord will be more than happy to show us if we ask 😉 ).


2. Gentleness and Patience- There is not an ounce of gentleness that exists in my body (some of you are nodding in agreement.) This will have to take supernatural intervention for some of us, but I’m realizing a gentle spirit is more a state of our hearts, rather than a personality trait. Patience, is another one I desperately struggle with. Let’s ask Jesus to completely take the wheel on these two.


3. Compassion- Compassion we know comes from the heart, but it first starts with having eyes to see those in front of us. The holiday season is nuts, may we ask God to slow us, and to open our eyes, hearts and ears to see others going through difficult times. Compassion is not just a feeling, it is an action. When the Lord shows us who, let’s act on the what we can do to help.


4. Bearing with one another and Forgiveness- So.. the relatives which not only drive us nuts, but have hurt us deeply. What do we do with these people? We bear. We smile. We realize we too have been unbearable and have hurt others deeply at times. (shocking I know, we can be little snots too). Most of all, we remember that God forgives us in the same measure we forgive others. Ouch, I know that one hurt me too.


 5. Love- I don’t know what it is about Christmas, but have you noticed it does have this crazy effect where it makes us want to love better? I wonder if it has anything to do with Jesus leaving the comforts of heaven, being born in a dirty manger, dying on a cross for us and forgiving us again and again, when we least deserve it.


So maybe, we can give some of it back and wear some of His love this Christmas?


Because if we can clothe ourselves in some of that, I can guarantee it could change everything and not just at Christmas time.


Therefore as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with one another and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity. Colossians 3:12
Image source: canstockphoto.com

About justthewritegift@comcast.net

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