A Christmas Poem- The Coming of Our King


For four hundred years not a sound was heard,

From no angel, no prophet, not one single word.

From the old testament until the span of the new,

God wasn’t speaking, nor giving a clue.

The people were craving a Savior and had lost all hope,

Many depressed, anxious, at the end of their ropes.

They were looking up asking, “Where are you? Do you not care?”

It seemed God didn’t exist, maybe, He was not there.

Then one ordinary night, seeming just like the rest,

God chose the perfect moment and time, knowing best.

He knew what the people needed and exactly when,

To send the Savior He had been planning for them.

So, on an ordinary day that slipped into a silent night,

With no party given, fanfare or hype,

In a dirty manger, with animals rustling all around,

God spoke, as the world slept, not hearing a sound.

As the baby sucked in and exhaled His first breath,

The Greatest Love was born, God’s promises kept.

Born to conquer death, our sin and our shame,

Born to bring new life, the Name of all names.

Fast forward to a world, now falling apart,

And doubt and fear has crept into our hearts.

We are now looking up, and asking “Where are you? Do you not care?”

“Maybe you don’t exist, maybe, you aren’t there.”

Then our long, exhausting days settle into the quiet of night,

And He comes with no grand entry, fanfare, or hype.

He comes in our stillness, bringing indescribable peace,

He comes to humble hearts open to receive.

He comes when we’re rejected and feel most alone,

He comes when we least expect it, making His presence known.

There’s something this Christmas our eyes need to see,

Christ never stops coming for you and me.

Christmas, was not just a one time event when He came,

Christmas was just the beginning of Him calling our names.

So, this advent as we settle our minds on what it truly means,

May we make room in our hearts, for the coming of our King.


{image source: canstockphoto.com}



































About justthewritegift@comcast.net

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