As I got to verse 12 it really challenged me. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Those three simple things are not so easy to apply when life is so stinking hard sometimes! When you are in a valley so low you can’t even barely pick your head up in the morning, it’s hard to be joyful or hopeful, let alone joyful in hope! Then he adds, patient in affliction. Mmmm… ouch. God knew I needed that this morning! He also knows I need some patience up in here! LOL
Lastly, faithful in prayer. He ends that last sentence with the remedy for our problems. Take whatever we’re dealing with and give it to the Lord. And He will give us the supernatural power from on high, to be joyful and patient right in the middle of our afflictions. Just another reminder for me how much we need our God and His precious word friends, because without them, we don’t have the strenghth or power to deal with lifes disappointments.