Is this how God feels with us? I mean seriosuly don’t we do the same thing with Him? And aren’t our excuses the same? Partly pain, partly habit, partly lack of motivation? I’ve been begging Tyler and pleading with him to walk because I know what the lack of use is doing to his foot. And I know he just has to press through it and he will get there. And it’s all out of my love for him. And our Father is pleading with us to surrender and submit to His will because He knows what will bring about true healing and change in our lives. And it’s ALL out of His love for us. But yet like Tyler, we just keep limping along, settling for comfort and complacency becaues it’s just too hard to change.
We are such selfish creatures we don’t want to change cause it’s painful and hard. But what about changing for the sake of our brothers and sisters in Christ? For the lost that desperately need to see Jesus healing our broken lives in a powerful way so they can see Him? Listen to what this scripture says:
Strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees. Make level paths for your feet, so that the lame may not be disabled, but rather healed. Hebrews 12:12-13
Listen we have to let God discipline and change us. Paul is not talking about physically, he is talking about spiritually. He’s saying quit being a wimp! Let God do His work in you!
We are to be a light, we are to let God change us, we are to be growing. I started counseling again a few weeks ago and man has it been painful. I’ve been forced to see things about myself that are ugly and not godly one iota! So I’m trying to let God change me and it hurts. So change is hard, but I’m finding it’s so worth it. I don’t want to limp anymore. Physically or spiritually! I want to let God heal all my broken places so I can be a light for Him.
Everyday I tell Tyler as he’s practicing his walk-” Head up, back straight, one foot in front of the other, keep focused, you can do this!” And I’m hearing God as I’m preaching to my son, “You can too!”